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Are you ashamed to be White? Are you ashamed to be reading this blog? Are you afraid of being called racist, or intolerant? Well, don't ...

Monday, May 31, 2021

All Gave Some

Some gave all.

Many of the wars America has fought in were pointless. Many of them were for Israel. Many of them should never have been fought, and some that should have been fought weren't. 

But this is America, and part of the patriotic duty we all share as citizens is honoring those who loved their homeland enough to die for it. Let us honor their sacrifice by declaring:

No more foreign wars. 

No more domestic wars on our own citizens.

No more blood money to Israel. 

This descendant of a long line of veterans wishes you a Happy Memorial Day. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Six Million

 This blog has no official stance on the number of jews killed during Hitler's dictatorial rule over Germany. I'm not a Nazi, and I've never identified as one, but I'm also a fan of truth, and I think a lot of people have lied about the Holocaust. In any case, it's an absolute affront to freedom of speech that we're not allowed to question a historical event. So I'm just going to leave this pictures here and let you come to your own conclusion.

Obviously it would be foolish to trust random pictures posted on the Internet, but if they give you a new curiosity, go do your own research. Look for physical evidence. You never know what surprises you'll find.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

That includes you, Honorary Marleyans

 Bet you're wishing for a helpful armband right now to signify that you're on their side! Don't worry about that. They wouldn't have cared about it either way.

"When that time has come for ratatattat, cracker we will kill everything White in sight!" 

"[White] has beginning, and an ending. And your ending time has been up since 1914 no good cracker boy!"

Remember, if you're White that means you're inherently racist, and guilty for the sins of your ancestors. And if you're racist, that means you have to be punished and killed.

Follow this to its logical conclusion. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

They See Race

A good rule of thumb when dealing with Leftists and Liberals of all breeds is that whatever they accuse you of, they are guilty of. They love calling out the GOP's corruption, when they're actually the top dogs in the Washington Underground, they love calling the January 6th protestors "insurrectionists" when they supported every BLM riot, and they love to accuse people who are "colorblind" of racism, under their new "Critical Race Theory." Not that that clears the people they accuse in every case (the GOP are corrupt), but this last example, colorblindness, is the important one. 

This article, detailing a college professor accusing White evangelicals of genocide, features this quote:

    Butler also claimed that “evangelicals are willing to die for whiteness.”

    “And it’s not just about health care or guns or anything else. They are willing to die to be white,” the professor continued.

    “When people say to you, ‘I don’t see color, I see what Jesus sees in you,’ that really actually means that they just see white,” Butler added.

If you are a newcomer to pro-White activism, this is an important lesson in understanding that non-Whites see themselves as their race first, and their individual self second. To the non-White, standing up for your racial interests is second nature, and recognizing race traitors is reflexive. If they're not recognized as black, that means nothing they do can advance the black agenda; the black American culture. Therefore, since you are always recognized as White, unless you explicitly and publicly bend the knee, everything you do advances the White agenda, and promotes White culture.

This is the reason for the Eldians wearing armbands in Attack On Titan, and why Hitler made jews and homosexuals wear distinguishing marks. Because Marleyans tirelessly work for their racial and National interests, they automatically assume Eldians are doing the same. This is why Gabi has to be forced to take it off when she and Falco escape prison in Paradis- without the armband, there is no evidence she's on the same side as the Marleyans; nothing to distinguish her from the "Island Devils."

They are right, in one respect- they're not White, and they're not a part of White culture. According to this handy infographic by the Smithsonian, White culture is among other things, timeliness, hard work, perfectionism, Protestantism, and individualism.

Good Eldian neocons and "anti-wokes" like to debunk this as a total racist backfire. Personally, I see no reason not to take them at their word. All of these things should be fiercely defended as good things, the fruits of White men's labors. If blacks don't want any part of this, let them go be useless thugs and criminals. All we want is a society that rewards truth, hard work, and good deeds, and punishes dishonesty and immorality. None of that has to do with race. But it's extremely clear that enforcing the law equally will result in different racial groups being treated differently.

The quoted professor knows this, and therefore wants special treatments. Their entire strategy seems to be "we are in every way inferior to you, and you should be ashamed of that fact." That, coupled with an extreme disregard for the lower-middle to lower classes. Make no mistake- they don't just hate you for being White, they also hate Jesus Christ, they want men to be subservient to women, and they just straight-up hate poor people. An important side note to take away from this is to remind working class citizens that communists and anarchists will never side with you against rich Marleyans. I don't hate communists as much as I used to, but they are still the stupidest people I have ever met. Unless they're straight-up lying, they genuinely believe that the vast majority of working class citizens are interested in racial justice, LGBTQ, and transgender freaks, and therefore, think it's a good idea to exclude "reactionaries" from class struggle.

You have to listen to people like this professor, and solidify your identity as a White person. With the Marleyans, if you're not with them, you're against them. If you value any of the things on the list in the above picture, I strongly recommend you get involved in pro-White activism. Where do you want to be when they come for your children? Clinging on to your status as an individual, insisting you don't see race? Or standing next to your White brothers and sisters, united in common cause for Race, Country, and Creed?

Think about which one gives you the best chance of survival.

What to Say?

 Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I don't know why I have so much trouble with Thursdays. 

But I hope you enjoy this romantic poem, and the beautiful illustration it takes inspiration from! Presenting, What to Say?

Like and follow me on Belletristica, and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Grave Tongue Chapter 4

 Knights and heroism. Religion and apostasy. War and magic.

It's official! In addition to new stories and poetry every Tuesday and Thursday, Wednesday will feature a new chapter of the Grave Tongue every week!

Like and follow me on Belletristica, and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Vanquished Once More

 I love writing Shakespearean sonnets- a lot of the poetry on the sidebar is work in the Bard's style! 

Today is no different- a poem about a rebellion against the local Witch Queen that unfortunately ends in disaster. 

Like and follow me on Belletristica, and, as always, enjoy!

Saturday, May 22, 2021

No More Blackpills

 In the 1970s, there was a performance artist named Chris Burden, an insane man who sought to push the limits of what could be called art. For instance, he shot a pistol at a Boeing 747, had a friend shoot him in the arm, and even had himself crucified to the hood of a Volkswagen beetle.

His rationale for this "art" was to expose his audience to the reality of pain in a time when they were desensitized by rising crime rates and the Vietnam War, which was broadcast on television at the time. It worked, and brought him a great deal of success- people tuned in to be fascinated by how far he could push his self-torture, until he retired and spent the latter parts of his life creating sculptures and more traditional pieces. 

In a way, his strategy was exactly the same as the Republican Party- when they're in office, they don't do anything so that they can scare you even more with where the country's going. "We couldn't stop gay marriage, so now you have to vote for us again, or it's gonna be trans children!" We call them and the Democrats the Uniparty because they're both selling the same movie, with different marketing strategies. For the Democrats it's a drama, while for the Republicans it's a horror movie. 

For all his flaws, Trump changed this dynamic. He wasn't the next Vladimir Putin, much less the Hitler the MSM made him out to be, and in the end he completely failed his supporters. But, however briefly, he gave the Right a taste of victory. I'll never forget how good it felt to browse thread after thread of pro-Trump rhetoric on r/The_Donald  after wading through the cesspool that is the rest of Reddit. It was a nonstop celebration, asking everyone present, "tired of winning yet?" And we never were. We celebrated Trump's victory, we celebrated Kavanaugh's confirmation, and we celebrated every single new mile of wall.

Now that sub is dead, and the next best site for the Right, /pol/, is full of blackpills. 

And now that Trump is gone, the GOP wants to go back to the same game of scaring people into voting for them, while never delivering on their promises. But the Georgia runoffs proved that this strategy is dead. The people understand now, that they don't have to settle for less. We all saw the massive numbers in DC for the Stop the Steal rallies. Nick Fuentes, Joe Kent, and now Mark McCloskey are gaining prominence to challenge the prevailing order of neoconservatism. For the first time, we have people believing in their actions. 

Our spaces are not for posting black pills, only red pills and white pills. Black pills are for our enemies alone. Mock them and laugh at them. Demoralize them. There is not a single redpilled person who doesn't know how bad things are, and right now we must focus on lifting their spirits, not crushing them. As bad as things get, you must never end a sentence without "nevertheless, we'll fight to the last breath."

When you redpill a normie, treat it as a celebration. As good as it feels to get someone new on our side, imagine how much better it feels for them to know that they're not alone in the world? Fear and anger are the domains of the left. Our energy is tempered in enthusiasm, joy, and humor. Why else do you think the Left can't meme? It's because they're afraid of us, and their goal is not to laugh, but to breathe easier. 

This is why we celebrate White Boy Summer. People refusing to be ashamed, standing up, and just having fun is exactly what we want. In our current state, we want to foster an attitude of rebellion. I just wish I could be in America while it's happening. Just be careful not to encourage race mixing or premarital sex. 

The Black Pill Business is over. As C.S Lewis wrote in The Silver Chair:

“One word, Ma’am,” [Puddleglum] said, coming back from the fire; limping, because of the pain. “One word. All you’ve been saying is quite right, I shouldn’t wonder. I’m a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won’t deny any of what you said. But there’s one more thing to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things-trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That’s why I’m going to stand by the play world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we’re leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that’s a small loss if the world’s as dull a place as you say.”

Friday, May 21, 2021

Blood Fealty

 Sorry for not having a story out yesterday, but I think you'll find this one worth the wait! 

A Princess must make a choice after receiving a dreadful vision in my new short story!

As always, like and follow me on Belletristica!



Many young men (and some women) struggle with the disease of pornography. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's one of the most insidious evils of our time. When we win, all pornographers will be jailed for a long time, but for now, we must overcome this disease by our own willpower. 

If you, or someone you know, struggle with this problem, I'm going to try and disconnect your mind from the false reality that porn constructs. Share this article elsewhere to wake people up. 

It's all just pixels. 

Think carefully about what you're doing- sitting all alone, just repeating a single motion over and over again until you finish. There is nothing else to it. What you are doing is effectively less than nothing. It's an entirely negative action- you are subtracting from the sum total of human experience. 

Reject their lies. Your phone/computer is nothing more than flashing lights and noise. Your body wants to believe that you're doing this act with another person, but you are entirely alone. You are isolating yourself, cutting yourself off from any and all human interaction. Once again, I remind you- you're just sitting alone rubbing yourself aimlessly. There is nothing more pointless, more worthless.

This exercise is important because by indulging in these fantasies, the chemicals your brain produces while masturbating make them almost as real as memories. We actually have a way to implant false memories into human beings. These thoughts will misguide you and betray you when it comes to actually interacting with people you're interested in romantically. The more you reinforce this reality, the harder it becomes to stop. All the energy of a man being devoted to his wife is now redirected into bonding with flashing lights and noises on a screen. A single person sitting all alone and playing with themselves somehow replaces two people actually sharing a physical bond.

Pornography at its core is cuckoldry. No matter what you watch or participate in, you're never anything more than a spectator. You're cut out of the loop- you're trapped outside, looking in at something you cannot be a part of. "But actually, I do roleplays! Actually, I participate in live shows on OnlyFans! They do whatever I say!" 

Oh really? So you're not sitting alone in your room doing a simple up and down motion until you're done? Yes you are, don't lie to me. You're still deriving everything from nothing more than pixels on a screen. You're still isolated off from the world, with no real companionship. Congratulations on getting someone else to join your loneliness. 

"But I watch porn with my romantic partner, so we enjoy it together!"

Then that's an even worse form of cuckoldry, because it breaks down the bond between you and them. Your partner is replacing you with the actors on screen, and you are replacing your partner with whoever you're watching. It's even worse than swinging, because swinging at least is a fantasy that comes true. With pornography, each of you are just becoming even more isolated and cut off, because as I stated before, it's just pixels on a screen. 

How long are you going to mindlessly pursue pleasure? How long before you wake up and realize that your hand is not, and never will be another person's flesh? Just stop, look down, and actually consider what you're doing. Look away from the false pixels. It's just an illusion- nothing and no one you see on screen can actually make you happy the same way a partner can. Nothing can replace the feeling of actually being close to someone, let alone your own hand.

There are many reasons to quit pornography, and I hope I've given you another one. Share this with as many people as possible, so we can end this disease and arrest everyone who participates in it in any way, shape, or form. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Postbellum Slavery

 The Marleyans absolutely love talking about American slavery like it was a living nightmare. They make it sound as if torture, abuse, and rape were common occurrences on every plantation, and they claim that modern day police forces are based on runaway slave hunters collecting bounties on blacks who tried to break free.

The truth is, very few people were employed solely to catch runaway slaves, because runaways were extremely rare. The harsh truth of the matter is that life in the antebellum for a black person wasn't that bad. In exchange for freedom, you at least had a warm place to sleep, you always knew where your next meal was coming from, and some slaves were even paid money, which could be used to purchase your freedom, among other things. While abusive slaveowners undoubtedly existed, they were rare and far-between. Slaves were an extremely valuable commodity after the Yankees banned their importation; you had to treat them well and ensure they lived as long as possible, because breeding them was a slow and inefficient process.

None of this is justifying slavery; it's the opposite in fact. Because in a way, antebellum slavery bears a lot of parallels to the modern day.

What really kept a slave in his position, more than anything else, was being institutionalized. All of the people around him who looked like him were enslaved. Being enslaved was just a fact of life. Eventually you get used to it. You find satisfaction in doing a job well done, and you come to respect and even love your master. It provides structure in your life. It's just like being in prison- former inmates often have a hard time adjusting to the outside world, and repeat offenders are common. 

Freedom means giving up your place to stay, your source of food, and potentially your family. It means going to a new place and starting over. While many slaves knew it was a worthy goal, they often had to be coerced into it. Harriet Tubman, famous for her work in the Underground Railroad, actually carried a gun to make sure her quarries didn't chicken out on her. 

Slave owners knew this, so they played into it. They wrote stories and, later on, movies portraying themselves as being heavily concerned with their slaves' well-being, which wasn't entirely untrue. Stockholm syndrome works both ways. They portrayed slavery as the natural order, and even altered the Bible to make it so that the Israelites never fled Egypt under the hand of Moses. 

When you think about the things modern-day religious leaders are pushing, you start to see the parallels to our current age. Globalists are normalizing your subservience the same way slave-owners acclimated their slaves to the farm. Ignore what the Bible actually says- Jesus never said anything about abortion, and He loved gays! 

Don't worry about the massive debt you're going into to buy a house and an education- if you make enough money, one day you'll buy your freedom! And in the meantime, look at all this delicious food we can provide you! Look at all these video games and Marvel movies! Speaking of movies, look at all these films and TV shows where White people are idiots, racists, and martyrs, while non-whites are heroes, sassy queens, and oppressed victims!

I fully expect the next generation to either be entirely socialized like this, or to enter into a bitter race war, unless we can fight back against it here and now. Fighting back means giving up a lot of things, just like running away from the plantation. You must resist institutionalization, and never become dependent on what they have to offer. The White race depends on it. 

At the end of the day, the one thing in my opinion that makes Antebellum slavery morally superior to the society being forced upon us today is that at least black slaves knew they weren't free. Our globalist masters are trying to make us believe otherwise.

Belief is the Action

 Protestants and Catholics have long been at each other's throats on the question of "faith versus works". Men like Pastor Steven Anderson are utterly convinced that sincere belief in Christ is enough to be saved, and in a video he did on "soul winning" he makes the case that salvation is a gift, and since gifts cannot be earned, no matter how much we sin that gift can never be taken away.  However, the Bible clearly states that the wicked will not enter the Kingdom of God. This seems like a contradiction.

The long and short of it is that, in many ways, belief and action are the same. However you live your life, that will come to heavily influence what you believe to be true. This is why people like Robin DiAngelo will never be brought over to our side. Her entire career is based upon White guilt and serving black people, and unless you somehow changed that, she will continue to believe that Whites are undeserving of their own racial identity. 

If you live your life lying, stealing, or doing sexual immorality, eventually you'll come to justify those things, to convince yourself that it's not that bad, or that God doesn't care, or even that He wants you to do those things. Your sins can and will rob you of your faith in what the Bible actually teaches. That is why faith without works is dead. It's not a metaphor, it's actually literal. 

A good example would be pastors and priests that preach about how we have to accept faggots and trannies in church, and that we can't throw the first stone. They never mention how, in that story, Jesus specifically tells her "do not sin again."

We can also apply this concept to politics. Because of their actions, a lot of conservatives, even Nationalists, don't really believe they're right. Their actions are to follow the rules and play nice, which causes them to lose. But instead of using some brainpower to change tactics and win for once, they fall into the trap of thinking "it's the leftists who are wrong. We have to make them play by our rules!" 

It's hard to hear this, because we want to live in a world similar to the 1950s, where people respected each other and you could trust the people in your neighborhood. But the truth is, you have to be mean to your enemies. If you can get away with it, never miss an opportunity to call out "faggot!" when you see one. Don't hesitate to fire your employees for voting Biden. Don't do business with liberals. If you own a restaurant, throw them out when they walk in. Put up Trump signs and America First flags everywhere. 

One of the functions of church has always been to reaffirm your faith. To remind you why we practice. To remind you that you're right. So it would not be amiss to start a similar habit with your political activities. Whether it's putting up "It's Ok To Be White" signs, or reading pro-White literature, reinforce your convictions.

And for those in political office, do not hesitate to rig the game. Getting Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court was the most based thing the GOP has done in a decade. If we can suspend civil liberties to deal with a fake pandemic, we can suspend them to deal with a homosexual, feminist, anti-White agenda being perpetrated against the American people. Until then, we are not living under any sort of legitimate government.

This is why we say, as always, act accordingly. 

Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself!

 It's absolutely clear to any true fan of Attack On Titan what message the story is trying to send.

Definitely do subscribe to Pax Tube. He's pretty much the last based channel on YouTube after Nick Fuentes got banned. 

The Sin and the Sinner

 One of the many rebuttals to the accusation of "homophobia" that the Christian Right has traditionally used is "we hate the sin, but love the sinner." On its surface, this is true and valid. You can have all the homosexual feelings in the world (I myself used to struggle with them as a teenager) but as long as you don't act on them, it's not a sin. However, the usage of this phrase started to become counterproductive for several reasons.

First off, people who have homosexual urges but don't act on them are not homosexual. Many people act like they still are, but are just living in denial, or abstinence. The truth is, abstaining from not just sodomy but all forms of lust is usually a good way to become straight. That's how it worked with me- when I stopped watching porn so often, I quickly realized that I wasn't bisexual, I was just unsatisfied. Being gay is a curable condition, but even mentioning that is enough to get you banned in neocon circles.

Secondly, homophobia is not even real. The word was invented by a porn magazine called "Screw" to shame men into performing acts of sodomy on camera. I'm sure I don't need to inform you (((who))) exactly was behind this publication. The intent from the beginning was not only to portray normal people as hateful, but as mental patients. They intended for the word to be a diagnosis of mental illness. And if conservatives won't stand up and speak out that homosexuality is the real disease, (((they))) will get their wish.

And third, "hate the sin love the sinner" will never convince a liberal, because their morality is not based on actions. Their morality is based on identity. This is why there are no Honorary Marleyans and there are no Good Eldians. To them, non-Eldian identities are good and Eldian identities are bad. The act is merely an expression of identity. While this identity isn't pliable, your relationship with it as well as what place you have in society, is.

This is the morality expressed in the anime I recently finished watching called Psycho-Pass, which portrays a world in which the government has been sublimated by the "Sibyl system" a Big Brother-esque entity that keeps close tabs on the population at all times. However, unlike in 1984, the Sibyl system isn't searching for political dissenters (to a certain degree at least) it's searching for people whose psychological profile shows criminal tendencies. These people are labeled "latent criminals" and it's up to the show's protagonists, Akane Tsunemori and Shinya Kogami, to hunt them down if they refuse to submit themselves to therapy.

Kogami, a latent criminal who serves as an enforcer, essentially doing the police's dirty work, is still obsessed with a case three years ago that claimed the life of his best friend. When a killer with a similar MO appears, he learns that one man was sponsoring the perpetrators of both crimes- Shogo Makishima.

Spoilers begin here.

Makishima has evaded capture all this time because the Sibyl system has failed to judge him. Akane, equipped with a laser gun called a dominator, a weapon that will only unlock when aimed at a latent criminal, is unable to detain him because according to Sibyl, Makishima's mental state is perfectly stable. Even as he brutally murders one of Akane's friends, all she can do is watch helplessly, her dominator worth less than a nerf gun. 

Makishima asks her the damning question, "what is crime?" To which Akane has no response, because in this society, crime effectively does not exist. The Sibyl system takes the logic of black nationalists demanding reparations and applies it to all of society:

"White people abused us in the past, so they need to redeem themselves now."

"People with this mental state typically committed crimes in the past, and therefore must be rehabilitated."

Leftists routinely commit sins that they rake Rightists over the coals for. Ralph Northam and Justin Trudeau wearing blackface. Antifa and BLM burning down buildings while the FBI is more worried about the Capitol Protest. White mass shooters are all Nazis, while black mass shootings are "gang violence." Trump was literally Hitler for putting kids in cages, while Biden is clearly doing it for their own good. To the Left, morality is based on your identity, not on your actions.

This is why conceding to the Left's morality is a deadly mistake. Calling them the "real racists" is a hopelessly futile endeavor, because they and the Marleyans they advocate for cannot by definition be racist. At no point in the anime does Makishima demand that Akane and her colleagues submit themselves to get therapy because "they're the real criminals." Makishima rejects their reality and states that any expression of human individuality is righteous. 

Naturally we're not meant to root for him, and we shouldn't. The man's a murderer who almost poisons the entire country. But the man we are meant to root for is Kogami, who because of Makishima ultimately decides to flee the Sibyl system and become a renegade. He doesn't agree with Makishima's ultra-individualism, but he also sees no justice in judging people the way the Sibyl system does. To him, the law is meant to protect people, to serve as a code of what people should and should not do. Kogami and his colleagues, the other enforcers, have never strayed outside what most would consider a good legal code- one of the major revelations in the story is that Kogami and another enforcer named Masaoka were once detectives themselves, but became enforcers because they either got too invested in a case and learned to think like criminals (Kogami) or became too distraught by the Sibyl system, or both (Masaoka). 

Another man, Kagari, was labeled a latent criminal at the age of five, permanently sealing his fate. One woman, Kunizuka, used to be an artist before she was sent to a rehabilitation facility for unknown reasons, where hardly anyone was ever released. According to Kogami, it's the same at every facility. And at the end of the first season, Akane's uptight by-the-book senior, Inspector Ginoza, follows in Kogami and Masaoka's footsteps and becomes an enforcer because of his experiences hunting down Makishima. 

It's shown and implied over and over again, that this creates a social caste system in which those with control over their mental states can perform acts that others wouldn't and couldn't dream of. Since the Sibyl system has decided that free will isn't worth it, and that it deserves to be worshipped and revered as a god, the only way it can determine morality is through one's identity. And thanks to Makishima, this backfires spectacularly.

What's scary is that the Left has no such fatal flaw. They don't need a top-down authoritarian structure to dictate this morality, they can simply have the Marleyans enforce it for them, by driving it home through propaganda that Eldian = bad. 

This is the reason why the Right must never cave to the Left's morality, and expose their corrupt system. If we are to convince the normies and the Good Eldians who can still be saved, we must drive home that, to the Left, it does not matter what they do, all that matters is who they are. 

White Flight

 It's really not a good idea. In fact, it's a terrible and an immoral idea. 

There are many people who suggest that White people, especially those with families, should leave America and just find a better country. America's culture is beyond saving; if we want traditional western values, then we need to set up shop elsewhere. Many point to Poland and Hungary as good candidates, others say Scandinavia, and the absolutely retarded talk about going to Japan or South Korea, because they've given up on White women.

Race-mixing idiots aside, there are several things wrong with this scenario. Let's list them out.

First, and most importantly, we cannot lose America. America is the biggest empire in history. We are the third largest country both geographically (behind Canada and Russia) and population-wise (behind India and China). More than that, we still have one of the strongest militaries in the world. Despite being weakened by loosened standards due to the pandemic, SJWs, and other nonsense, expenditure and raw numbers do still count for something. Plus, we still have the nukes. 

But really, the main problem is our massive cultural influence. Pretty much everyone in the world can name their favorite American movie or TV show. No other country comes close except maybe Britain, and maybe Japan in the next decade or so. People the world over are familiar with our fast food chains, our clothing brands, and even our football teams. 

So you and your family escape to Poland. What's next? America comes under the complete control of the Marleyans and their lapdogs. What they do is use their massive influence to infiltrate and degenerate Poland. Their investors start buying Polish land, spreading their propaganda onto Polish TV, and outright invading if they feel Poland is becoming too "undemocratic" in its efforts to rid itself of this subversion. Pretty soon the corporations start closing the accounts of politicians that won't bend to their will and outright assassinating those who resist. Soon there's a color revolution sponsored by the CIA.

Repeat for every country until there's nothing left.

We must seize control of the American government. It must be stopped here and now. Whether that's through political disobedience and primarying candidates, or through less democratic means, we can't do it remotely from Europe. They, on the other hand, can oppress us no matter where we are in the world. Remember, Poland has had actual official hate-speech laws for a long time too. No matter how based they are, you can still be thrown in jail for denying the Holocaust.

Here is the second reason: White genocide. Kalergi wants you to flee to Europe and leave your White brothers and sisters to die, because it makes us outnumbered. Already we are only 12% of the global population. America is still the largest population of White people in the world. Over 200 million of us live here! If we want a higher chance of reproducing and surviving the next century, we can't just run off to other countries because they have better quality women. There are plenty of good women here, and plenty of women that can change if they find a strong man before it's too late. 

To be pro-White means doing what's best for the White race. And leaving 200 million of our own kind to die is not that, to say the least.

Third, there is the ethos: it's cowardly. At this time in history, we have no excuse not to be organizing and fighting back. Biden, the man the libs and normies accept as their leader is weak, and a sham. It's doubtful whether he's even still alive. People are tired of the pointless lockdowns, and the number of Good Eldians took a massive downturn last year in the wake of the BLM riots. People say there's no more good right-wing subs on Reddit, but you really need to look no further than r/ActualPublicFreakouts. Despite attempts to subvert it, there are simply too many people interested in documenting anti-White hatred and violence. 

The ball is not in our court, but we're 10 points ahead with a lot more time on the clock. Whatever stunt they're pulling with Biden is going to blow up in their faces. Expect something huge to happen later on this year, or the next. When the next election rolls around, the ball will come back to our court as Nick Fuentes and the Dissident Right tear the GOP limb from limb. 

In fact, you can apply to be an America First candidate right now! Go to  and step up into the mantle. I swear this isn't paid for. 

You have too many options left to run and hide like a coward. I literally caused an upset with a few whiteboards that forced the entire staff of K-State to waste time and money on me. Go to the gym, read my post on getting girls, and make a positive change in your community. I won't blame you if you leave the cities for the suburbs, or maybe leave California for some other state, but do not leave America

This is our home, whether we like it or not. 

Gabi VS. Abby

The Last of Us 2 was one of the many disasters that plagued 2020, due in no small part to Abby, the girl who murders Joel in cold blood with the help of her crew, before spitting on and desiccating his corpse, over Ellie's desperate pleas. 

That's not a spoiler, that's all most people know about the game. Even before it came out. 

Naturally, this was very divisive. I was one of many who decried Abby's character, and hated her even after learning her backstory- how Joel killed her father while saving Ellie, and how her quest for revenge led her down a path of self-destruction. 

But then, I encountered a character I've discussed in earlier posts that made me reevaluate my position- Gabi, from Attack On Titan Season 4. Like Abby, she also kills a beloved character and lets revenge lead her down a path of ruin, but on closer analysis, I decided that this was the perfect way to demonstrate where Neil Druckmann went wrong with his portrayal of Abby. 

First off, as a writer, you must understand that the reality of the setting is exactly how you dictate it to the reader. In this reality we've constructed, Abby is a random weirdo with a bunch of weirdo friends hanging around outside of town, and Joel is a heroic badass who saved Ellie numerous times, but has a dark history. Therefore, having Abby suddenly completely overpower Joel and straight-up murder him is shocking and repulsive. We learn later that it makes a lot of sense, both for her motivations and her personality, but the way the context is delivered to us is extremely lackluster. There's no getting around the fact that from this moment forwards, Abby is the antagonist. 

If I'd been the lead writer, I would've put the scene where Abby sees Joel killing her father at the very beginning. Assuming we're still going with the dark and deconstructive angle, I would've had Abby and Ellie meet first, and have a large section where they interact and get to know each other, and thus, familiarize Abby with the audience. As a matter of fact, I would've made Abby the playable character for this half of the game, instead of the latter half. We establish that her motivation is to kill Joel from the beginning, leading up to the scene where she ultimately gets her wish. It would also make a lot more sense narratively; Joel would trust Abby because Ellie trusts her, instead of just telling his name to a whole pack of strangers like an idiot. 

Now, Ellie's mission to hunt down Abby is far more dramatic. Not only because she was betrayed by a friend, but because we also actually sympathize with Abby and actively played a role in helping her kill Joel.

However, I think there's a way to save this whole mess even if you changed nothing up until the point where Joel gets killed. Instead of playing as Abby, Ellie goes investigating, and finds out Abby's past herself. She confronts Abby at multiple times during the game, and learns something new each time. She eventually figures out that Joel killed Abby's father, and all of this is what leads her to spare Abby's life. Abby becomes a sort of mystery to unravel, slowly but surely unwinding Ellie's motivation. I think you would have to drop the Seraphites in this version as too much extra baggage, but oh well.

Now, this first approach of establishing motivations before killing off the crucial character is the route they take with Gabi. We begin Season 4 in the middle of a pitched battle in a years-long war, with one of the main characters almost dying immediately. Gabi and her friends have been forced to participate in this conflict because of the brainwashing they've been subjected to all their lives. Gabi actually uses the skills the Marleyans have taught her to trick the enemy into letting her be, allowing her to derail a train with a cluster of grenades. 

Several episodes pass with us seeing the entire situation in Marley- the ghettos, the propaganda, and the self-hatred the Eldians have. When Eren attacks the internment zone, and a massively destructive battle follows, it makes perfect sense that Gabi should be after revenge. We see Sasha kill two guards who were trying to protect Gabi, and thus she chases after Eren and the airship even though she thinks it's pointless. 

Sasha's death is sudden, but it's not out of nowhere like Joel's was. Gabi has already been set up as a tragic character, and not only that, the scene makes narrative sense. She takes the Eldians by surprise by using a dead soldier's ODM gear, and gets one shot off before she's swarmed. 

The following episodes are also better than the following scenes in the game. We actually get to develop Gabi's character further, while the game instead has to go back and explain her entire character retroactively. And while we haven't seen the end of Gabi or the show yet, I doubt we're going to have a scene where the main characters forgive her for no reason. No one's seeking revenge on her, but she is still an enemy combatant. 

Update as of Episode 13: While it looks rather like my prediction was disproven by Sasha's father refusing to kill Gabi, unlike Ellie he has very valid reasons on why he's not killing Gabi, and why he won't let Niccolo do so either. First off, she's still a scared little girl. Secondly, he understands perfectly well the role his daughter played in the conflict, and what she must have inflicted on Gabi. And third, his desire for peace and to break the cycle of violence doesn't violate anything about his character or motivations. In fact, for the kind of man he is, I think it makes perfect sense.

To drive this home even further, Kaya tries to attack Gabi with a knife herself, letting us know that Gabi isn't a Mary Sue, and that she's not so easily forgiven like some other anime villains. She still has to earn redemption, unlike Abby who gets to ride off into the sea.

And one more minor difference: Abby is built like a damn body-builder in the middle of the apocalypse. Gabi is part of an oppressed minority, and appropriately looks like a mildly underfed child soldier. Character design matters.

Last of Us 2 is what happens when you put social justice over making a good game. The only truly good video game that did the anti-violence message well was Undertale. You cannot tell the player that violence is wrong if the only way to complete the game is violence. But that's an article for another day.

God bless y'all and have a nice day! 

Just One Thing

 I enjoyed another extremely based episode of Attack On Titan today, where we actually see a flashback to season 2, back when Sasha fought a titan with a bow and arrow to save a little girl whose mother got eaten. 

This little girl we learn, eventually came to work on Sasha's parents' farm. Apparently her name is Kaya. Four years later, she discovers our resident Good Eldian (Gabi actually refers to herself as this in the episode!) and Falco making their escape from prison, determined to find Zeke and demand an explanation for his apparent betrayal. Or at least, Gabi is. Falco is still just trying to keep her out of trouble, and in this episode, fails miserably. 

I'm not a misogynist like I was when I was younger, but honestly? Men, if a woman is acting this self-destructive, stop playing Captain Save-a-Ho. I know that Gabi is literally a dark version of Eren, and that Falco plays the same role as Mikasa did, but real life is not an anime.

No matter how badly I wish it was.

Anyways, Kaya figures it out pretty fast that Falco and Gabi are lying about their identities (Falco introduces them as Ben and Mia respectively) and gets into a heated argument with Gabi over the Eldians' guilt in previous centuries. Gabi becomes so angry that she tries to stab Kaya with a pitchfork, and Kaya still covers for her so no one suspects anything. 

She takes Gabi to the same spot Sasha found her in all the way back in season 2, unable to do anything as she watched her mother be devoured by a titan, due to the fact that her legs didn't work. Even after she describes in vivid gory detail how her mother eventually gave up and died before the titan came after them, Gabi still insists that all Eldians deserve it due to all the atrocities they committed in days past. Kaya provides no other argument other than "what do I or my family have to do with any of that?"

Eventually, Gabi gives up when Falco interjects, admitting to Kaya that neither she nor her mother did anything wrong, and that they were caught up in a pre-offensive leading up to the invasion of Paradis. 

Now here's where I interject. I'm sure Gabi will see some character development later on, and eventually realize she was wrong, leading either to an epiphany or a tragedy, but once again I remind you that we don't live in the world of stories. Kaya needs to use this argument to drive the point home to Gabi. But in real life, people like this rarely change their views.

A large part of it is that social justice becomes these people's whole identity. It's not that they entirely define themselves by their politics (though some do) it's that their way of life is inextricably bound to social justice activism. Take for instance, the Jewish author Robin DiAngelo, writer of the best-seller "White Fragility", the most rage-inducing anti-White propaganda ever put to paper. If you hear about it being taught in your local school or library, take action immediately. 

Anyhow, even if she were the kind of person that accepts reasoned arguments that alter her philosophy (which she explicitly states in the book she isn't) nothing you ever said or did to her could convince her that Whites have a right to promote their own interests. This is because anti-White hatred isn't just her ideology it's her entire career, it's her reputation, and it's her entire mode of being. Unless you uprooted her entire living situation, maybe by sending her to live in a ghetto or maybe South Africa, nothing will ever shake this world-view.

And even then, it's not a guarantee. Gabi clings on to her Marleyan upbringing even after coming to Paradis and seeing the things she does. There is no justifying yourself to these people. They have already classified you as less-than-human, and there is no point in altering that perception.

What Kaya should've said to Gabi is "Good."

I'm glad the Eldians did those things to the Marleyans, because they obviously deserved it, based on how they treat the Eldians now. Everything Marley has attained, they only got due to Eldian titan powers. Not only that, they became just as, if not more oppressive than Eldia ever was.

The Eldians wiped out cultures? The current Eldian living situation has shown that that was clear-cut self-defense. And it's not as if Marley is any different, seeing how we have anime's most based black man, Onyankopon, as one of their imperialized subjects.

You cannot avoid the guilt of your ancestors, so own it. Christopher Columbus did nothing wrong, and neither did any of the men who came after him. Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Huey Long were all American heroes. Your reparations are getting to live in the greatest, most tolerant, most prosperous country in the world. 

Kaya and the New Eldian Empire should embrace the term "devil." And it seems like Eren and a lot of other characters are intent on doing so. 

However, I remind you that Japan has a very different conception of the terms "devil" and "demon." 

In real life, the true servants of the Devil are the Marleyans, and do not forget that. 

As always, there are no Good Eldians, and there are no Honorary Marleyans. 

Depending on how the next couple of episodes go, I'm thinking we should start calling ourselves Jaeger Loyalists. 

The Line Between Comedy and Drama

 Is finer than you'd think.

Yesterday, I watched Chris Nolan's Inception for the first time. Absolutely loved it. Great film, managed to avoid spoilers so the twists landed, and the ending was great. 

I think the basic plot is ubiquitous enough to remove any need to summarize it, and the movie is 11 years old now, so I'll be spoiling everything. Basically, I loved pretty much every minute of the film except for one moment in particular.

When we first see the scene were Mal commits suicide, DiCaprio's reaction made me genuinely laugh. It's supposed to be an incredibly sad and tragic scene, where we discover his whole motivation in the movie thus far. It explains why he's on the run, and provides context for scenes we've seen already. But as great an actor as DiCaprio is, the script completely screwed him over. The passion with which he conveys emotion only served to make the scene more funny to me. 

The way comedy works is to build up catharsis, and subvert that build-up with a punchline. Drama is the same way, but the "punchline", instead of subverting the buildup, resonates with it. 

I wrote a scene for a sci-fi movie once, where a civil war is going on and a rebel has to escort a spy into the capital, so he can gain the trust of the dictator they're trying to overthrow. Unfortunately, the shuttle cruiser transporting them crashes somewhere in the desert, killing everyone aboard but the rebel. Once he makes it back to civilization, he contacts the leader of the resistance, Kai Hir, to tell him what happened. The conversation goes like this:

REBEL: This is Arthur Vell, ID number 39401. Requesting direct access to Chief Kai. 

KAI: Patched in. What is it? 

REBEL: Sir, I have terrible news. Our transport crashed out in the desert. Edward [the spy] is dead.

KAI: No! What happened?

REBEL: I don't know! One moment we were sitting pretty, the next one of the engines caught fire.

KAI: [Expletive]. Are you sure he's dead? You didn't try to save him?

REBEL: No, sir.

KAI: Why?

REBEL: I couldn't pick him out from the other burned corpses.

Now, I meant for this to be a very serious scene, as it kickstarts the plot and sets the tone of the movie. The image of an entire shuttle going down in flames, roasting everyone alive is horrifying... usually. But you see, the way the scene builds tension, in that we don't know what happened, but that it's bad, makes the last line too comical. It's not just bad, it's ridiculously bad. It's so incredibly bad that the entire shuttle is now full of burned corpses, and the rebel's attempt to save the spy was hilariously futile. 

I realized this when I went back over it later, and I rewrote the scene to give it much more gravitas, being careful to build everything up in a more dramatic way this time:

REBEL: Sir, I have terrible news. Our shuttle caught fire. Everyone aboard is dead. We crashed in the desert several hours ago. I just got back into comms range. 

KAI: No! You're telling me Edward is dead?

REBEL: Yes, sir. I'm sorry. There was nothing I could do.

KAI: What happened?!

REBEL: When we realized what was about to happen, we raced for the emergency exits. Our parachutes were all ready to go. Then the engine exploded, and the fuselage snapped like a twig. I was falling out into the sky, and I tried to pull him along with me, out of the way of the fireball. I was too late. By the time I found the wreckage... I couldn't even find the body.

Those last six words are the "punchline" of the scene, and they're dramatic because they resonate with the build-up we've established. Everyone's dead, he couldn't save the spy, and the shuttle went down in flames. Naturally, it would be very hard to find the body. 

So let's go back to this scene from Inception. We learn that Mal was consumed by the idea that her world wasn't real, and that it eventually led her to try to frame DiCaprio for her own suicide, so that he'd join her in the real world- the one they created in limbo, where they were like gods. On their anniversary, he finds their hotel room trashed, and Mal sitting on a ledge on the building across from his. After failing to persuade her to come back inside and talk to him, Mal jumps to her death.

DiCaprio's reaction is "Mal! No! Jesus Christ!"

I literally just went back and watched the scene, and it was still funny to me. Imagine watching your spouse fall to their death. Your first reaction would not be "No! Jesus Christ, goddamn it!" The first stage of grief is denial. 

If I had written the scene, I would've had him scream Mal's name just as she fell, before everything goes dead quiet. Instead of the dramatic music and DiCaprio's over-the-top performance, we get total silence and a shot of him staring down at her body and weeping. Then, maybe after a moment, enough sound comes back that we hear him cursing and calling out to her. 

The scene is much more dramatic when we learn that her speech about the train is actually what he said to her when they were leaving limbo, but that doesn't make his reaction any less funny. It's very similar to the moment Jennifer Lawrence finds out that Chris Pratt woke her up in the movie Passengers. The greatest actors in the world can't salvage a bad script. 

Anyhow, other than that, the movie is a 10/10 and DiCaprio does do a good job for most of it. My only regret is that Ariadne turned out to be a tranny. 

No Good Eldians

 Episode 8 of Attack On Titan is out, so go watch it before reading this spoiler-filled post.

In this episode, we learn that Gabi, one of the Warrior cadets, one of the children striving to be "Honorary Marleyans", has the ambition of proving to the world that Eldians are good people. This backfires spectacularly because of the New Eldian Empire's raid on the internment zone, killing two of her friends and massacring hundreds more, including the Marleyan top brass. Neither side doubts that this will bring the entire world down on Paradis' head. 

Enraged, Gabi chases the fleeing Eldians all the way to their airship, with Falco tagging along to help her. Her hate drives her to throw away her own life by attacking a heavily-armed team of adult soldiers, similar to suicide by cop. She blames them for ruining the image she's trying to craft of the Eldians being respectful, kind, and peaceful people, that can contribute and live in harmony with the world. 

While Gabi is presented as a very tragic character, being raised from birth to worship Marley and believe the lies she's told about her history, I can't help but hate her for how stupid she is. She's seen firsthand that even when her comrades are tending to the wounds of enemy combatants, they ask to be left alone so as not to be infected by the Eldians' devil blood. She has undoubtedly seen the Marleyans use her people as suicide bombers, and she was there when they forced a group of them to turn into titans, before turning them loose onto a city.

Her irritating nature is definitely intentional, and in this episode it is played for full dramatic effect. This girl is the pinnacle of Marleyan brainwashing, and Falco is the only one keeping her in check, trying to save her from inheriting the Armored Titan. 

There are many people like Gabi in real life. I used to be one of them; in my post "On the Nature of Red Pills" I mention that I once tried to rehabilitate the words "White pride" by arguing that White pride and White supremacy are two different things, at my school's poetry slam. Most anti-SJW YouTubers back in the day were all about exposing the hypocrisy of calling all men sexist or calling all Whites racist because "not all Whites/men/Straight people are like that." My rationale reciting the poem was "okay, all races can live in harmony, because we can all be proud of who we are without hating each other." That's really what it boils down to- I didn't want to be hated.

Nowadays, you see it with people like the Lincoln Project and Liz Cheney. (P.S The founder of the Lincoln Project got exposed as a gay pedophile today, so make sure your male friends aren't affiliated with them). They don't want to support liberalism per se, so they try to make themselves out to be the "good Whites" by opposing those nasty Nazis. The difference between them and Honorary Marleyans is that they take the position that race doesn't matter, and that color blindness is the answer to police brutality and systemic racism. It's the classic Neocon strategy of "accept the left's morality, but quibble with their methodology." 

To Gabi, all the Eldians of Paradis have to do to be seen as "good" is surrender, and hand over Eren to the rightful Marleyan rulers. She doesn't stop to consider that no one else wants to live as she does- in a ghetto, undergoing grueling training, before inheriting a titan that will shorten your lifespan down to 13 years. In fact, although she does not know it, Reiner and the other Marleyan warriors on the original mission were trying to wipe out the entire population of Paradis. Reiner explicitly tells Eren in Season 2 that his and Bertholt's goal was to make sure humanity [behind the walls] was erased. 

The lesson to take from all this, is that just like there are no Honorary Marleyans, there are no Good Eldians. The only way to live is in accordance with God's will, not what other people think of you. I said it in my poem, but I never really believed it until I became truly redpilled: "I'm proud to be White, because that's the way God made me." Everyone knows that living for someone else's approval isn't healthy, but Good Eldians live for the approval of literally everyone but straight White Christian males. 

However, Good Eldians and Honorary Marleyans have one crucial difference: it is possible to redpill a Good Eldian. If I made the jump, so can others.

I'm trying to think of a clever Attack On Titan reference to describe pro-Whites, but I can't think of anything yet. 

God bless you and good night!

No Honorary Marleyans

 There's this show that I watch, and it's pretty popular. It's called Attack On Titan.

Spoilers ahead.

In the show there's a race of people called Eldians, whose ancestor Ymir made a pact with the devil to gain the powers of the Founding Titan- a near god-like entity who made the Eldian race the dominant superpower on the continent. For years, they conquered and colonized until one of the titans, called the Warhammer Titan, betrayed them to their enemies, the Marleyans. Marley then took over, forcing most of the Eldians to flee with their king to an island called Paradis,  where he wiped their memories and built massive walls around his people. He brainwashed them into believing that humanity beyond the walls was dead, and wanted nothing more than to live in peace, despite the plight of his people. 

Not satisfied with subjugating the Eldians who stayed behind, the Marleyans want to end them once and for all. So they tell the Eldians, who now live in ghettos and are forced to wear armbands, that they can become Honorary Marleyans if they volunteer their children to take on titan powers, go to Paradis, and recover the Founding Titan. 

These children, like all Eldians, are raised from birth to hate their ancestors and to feel guilty for the sins of their nation's past. Even the descendants of the Warhammer Titan, who are exempt from wearing the armbands and live in decadence, believe themselves to be the spawn of devils. They're taught they deserve every bit of abuse and degradation heaped upon them because of what they are, and what their ancestors did to Marley. 

Naturally, those selected for the Marleyan Warrior Program, where children are trained as soldiers and given titan powers, desperately want to succeed and earn the right to be called Marleyans, a "privilege" that extends to their families. So much so, that the main character's half-brother actually turns in his own parents, when they try to use him to infiltrate this program so he can then save Paradis instead of destroying it. (This is why you homeschool your kids instead of sending them to your local indoctrination center. Or maybe they didn't have a choice?)

Anyways, we see how grueling this program is, and how seriously it's taken by the participants. Anyone who expresses skepticism at the prospect of becoming a warrior and a titan shifter is angrily derided and mocked. No one talks about the fact that becoming a titan shifter shortens your remaining lifespan to thirteen years, after which you either pass on the power to someone else, or it's reborn into a random Eldian. No one talks about the fact that you still have to wear an armband that clarifies you're still an Eldian, just one with Marleyan privileges. Even in other countries, you're never seen as anything more than another devil-spawn. Other Eldians who join the military are used as cannon fodder, suicide bombers, and even injected with titan serum before dropping them out of airships.

When the inhabitants of Paradis finally invade Marley, they don't try to reason with these self-hating Eldians. 

When you're fighting for your life, there's no time for traitors. The Marleyan Warriors made their choice, and they chose the wrong side. If being forced into a ghetto and being treated like second-class citizens isn't enough to convince them to stand up for their racial pride and their civil rights, then nothing will. They're treated just like the rest of their enemies- more food for the titan shifters that they have on their side. 

Follow their example. Don't try to convert race traitors. They will never stop trying to be like the people who hate them, to be their slaves. They will learn in the end:

There are no Honorary Marleyans. 

The Nature of Redpills

 I mentioned in my last post that pro-Whites aren't often as attractive as their conservative counterparts. The reason for that is because most young people find their way into pro-White movements because society has rejected them. Maybe they don't have the best relationship with their parents, maybe they get bullied at school, and it's a safe bet that they never really had success with girls.

People with no social life tend to spend a lot of time on the internet, and that's where most of the "alt-right" existed pre-Charlottesville. Unite the Right demonstrated that they should've stayed on the Internet- brandishing Nazi flags and torches is not a good recruitment method. If anything, the torches were actually more offensive than the flags. Torches are symbols of mobs and violence.

The point is, our movement up until recently was largely based on a deep sense of disillusionment that disproportionately affects men. It wasn't because people woke up one day, read some statistics, and realized that Whites are going extinct. These people needed community and they found it. Humans are social animals.

Red pills aren't well-versed arguments, or internet memes, they're fundamental challenges to your perception of the world. To receive one, you need to be already leaning towards the conclusion yourself. To reference the origin of the "red pill" meme, would Neo have taken the Red Pill if he wasn't already seeing glitches in the Matrix? Red pills are explanations for the inconsistencies and contradictions in today's society. They don't work if the receiver wholeheartedly believes the lie. 

The best possible person to administer a Red Pill is a close family member, or trusted friend. My dad, a lifelong conservative and civic nationalist, becoming a fan of alt-right figures like Vox Day did much more to convince me that they had a point than any amount of memes on iFunny. While he wasn't the one to actually convince me they were right, it was because of him that I was open to them in the first place. That glitch in the Matrix- someone I loved and trusted turning to people I thought were "racist" was the thing that set me up to receive a red pill. 

Some red pills work because of overwhelming evidence the receiver was unaware of, but only very rarely. To use myself as an example again, my first real red pill was at an anti-gay marriage rally in Chicago. I was 8 years old, and the people across the street were shouting hateful invectives, demanding to fight us. It was enough that there was a large police presence there to make sure that that didn't happen. Still, I was absolutely terrified. That was the day I learned that gay people actually existed, and that they weren't just our political rivals- they would destroy the church we were standing in front of, if they could. It was the first time I realized that people actually hate God.

Other times, betrayal can act as a red pill. People you thought were on your side, or who you thought respected you, suddenly turning against you because you dared to step outside their understanding the Matrix. One of the reasons I said we're living in the best possible timeline is that the last few months have been a massive red pill to people- first the betrayal of our system by democrats, letting people know that these are our adversaries, not merely opponents. Second, the betrayal of the Republican party, showing everyone that we do not live under a two-party system, and haven't for a long time. And third, the betrayal of the law enforcement, putting an end to this "back the blue" speech. 

I experienced a red pill like this in high school, when one of my friends called me a White supremacist for reciting a poem where I explicitly stated "White pride is being proud of your ancestors' achievements, not White supremacy." But she didn't care. She said I was a racist, and that you can't be racist to White people. 

Openly declaring yourself a pro-White is suicide, but you can still make a difference in your family and your tight-knit circles. When you red pill, do it very cautiously. The best way is to ask questions that shine light on the glitches in the Matrix. If your male friend is wondering "why do girls always go for bad boys and not nice guys like me?" ask him, "why do you think? What do they have that you don't?"

It's always about looking for opportunity. Your co-worker makes an off-kilter remark, and is confused when he gets in trouble for it. Your female friend is a feminist who feels more and more left behind by the intersectional aspects of it. Your black friend gets called a race traitor when he refuses to support BLM. Many people feel that something is deeply wrong with our society, but they simply don't know the right questions to ask. By asking them these questions, you can lead them out of the Matrix and into the truth. 

After that, I would suggest leading them to this blog, or to Vox Day, or Nick Fuentes. Give them Michelle Malkin's Open Borders Inc. All that's left is for them to do the research on their own. Once you're awake to the red pills, you will want more.

This is why Fuentes' "Groyper Wars" was such a good idea. Charlie Kirk going around the country doing speeches with a black gay guy in defense of open borders and money for Israel is not conservatism, and people understood that. Fuentes realized that if he could provide that final push- simply asking questions, which Kirk invited, to guide people to the correct conclusions, would show everyone what real conservatism actually is. And it didn't hurt that the people going to these events often were good-looking put-together people.

That's why getting into different social circles and starting a family is important. The closer you are to someone, the easier it is to red pill them. Raise your children to be proud of who they are, and to reproduce with members of their own race. Do not send them to school, unless you want them to turn into BLM spouting Marxists. Homeschooling is always an option. I know I never would've become pro-White without my dad.

As it says in the Bible, raise a child in the path of the Lord, and when he is grown he will not depart from it. 

On Finding A Wife

 As I stated in the last post, one of the most important things to do is find a wife so you can have White babies. You probably have some idea on what you can do to gain power, influence and resources to aid our cause, and are no doubt already working to make yourself fit and ready to defend the White race. But most men are completely lost when it comes to women.

While there's tons of material out there giving out dating advice, I'm going to give you a few key pointers about dating and how relationships work. However, when it comes to actual married life I can't help you, as I've never been married myself.

The idea here is to provide a foundation for a framework which you can build on. I want to give you enough information for you to go out and start as soon as you're done reading this article, but not too much that you get impatient reading it. 

Rule 1: Just ask.

If you see a pretty girl, just go up to her and say so to her face. If you're just walking around outdoors, engage her in conversation. If you're in a slightly more inconvenient setting, tell her you'd like to get to know her later on, and ask for her number. The worst she can say is no. Make a game out of it- you get a point for every rejection you get. Play to see how many points you can get. 

The key is that you set the tone of the interaction to "flirtatious." If you don't express interest, she can be put off, or she'll put you in the "friend" category. That's why you open with "hey, I just thought you looked really cute," or something a bit more clever, if you can think it up on the fly. However, what you say matters a lot less than how you say it. 

Once you've introduced yourself, just get to know her. There are no code words or catch phrases you need to use, just follow some general rules:

1.) Don't be self-deprecating unless you're actually confident about whatever it is you're making fun of. If you're a good writer (like me, not to brag) writing is okay to make fun of yourself about. Don't make fun of yourself for things you're insecure about. Women can tell the difference. However...

2.) Don't denigrate your passions. If you don't like what you do, whether it be work or school, don't tell her how much you hate it. To go back to my example, while you can make fun of the quality of your writing, don't fail to mention how much you love doing it. Talk about your plans and ambitions with writing. Tell her why you love it so much. Don't tell her your life is boring, or that it sucks because of how many words you have to write. Your passion doesn't have to be your job, either. If your job sucks, tell her about what you're really trying to do with your life. If you don't have anything, you have bigger problems to worry about than finding a wife. (Important note: video games don't count, unless you help make them.)

3.) Once you get her contact info, try not to get bogged down in online conversation. Texting/Snap/Insta should primarily be for logistics. No girl's heart was ever won outside of a face-to-face interaction. 

4.) Don't apologize too much. Be confident and mean what you say to her. 

5.) Tease her and make fun of her. She should be the butt of the joke more often than you. There's no hard and fast limit of what's too far. Women actually tend to like it when you're mean to them. 

All of this is generally for your first interaction, before you actually go on a date. Once on the date, here are some more things for you to consider:

1.) Don't take her out to dinner before date number 3, and don't take her to a movie before date number 2. That's not a hard and fast rule, it's just meant to drive home a point: think of creative date ideas, preferably ones that are active and exciting. Roller skating, laser tag, arcade, Topgolf, or skiing are all activities that both get the blood pumping and offer time for conversation. Adrenaline is closely linked with attraction. You want her to associate those feelings with you.

2.) Focus on yourself, and lead the way. Don't spend the entire date asking "So what do you wanna do next?" Don't even give her two options to pick from. You choose what to do, and when to do it. When I remembered to do this on a date I went on a while ago, it was like flipping a light switch. Instantly, I was having more fun and my date didn't mind at all. That's because women aren't there for the drinks and dancing- they can do that with their friends. They're there for you. They want you to take the lead. Women are extremely sensitive to your mood. If you're having fun, it will catch on. Leave them to brighten things up, and they're at a complete loss.

3.) Don't be afraid to escalate. Another lesson I learned from the date I just mentioned. Don't be afraid to put a hand on her waist, or to hold her hand. Don't be afraid to kiss her, and don't be afraid to tell her that you want to kiss her. Case in point- I was making strong eye contact at her from across a table, and she asked me "what?" Immediately I got awkward, I looked away, I thought of some excuse. I told her I was practicing making eye contact. Real smooth.

What I should have said is "I just wanna kiss you right now." After all, I already knew she thought I was cute, and most importantly, she was on a date with me. But I was out of practice, and I didn't recover. I hugged her goodbye, and never saw her again. Always escalate at a level appropriate to the environment. You can get away with a lot more at a night club then at an arcade, keeping in mind that anything farther than making out before marriage is against God's word. (And who goes to a night club to find quality women anyways?)

That's all the most important advice I have for interacting with women. However, what if you've memorized this entire article so far and you're still seeing no success? What if you're just a total incel?

Well first off, the only true incels are cripples and retards, and even that's debatable. Any able-bodied man who can at least pretend to function like a normal human being has a chance with women. If your looks are standing in the way of your personality, you must do these four things. Unlike everything I've stated before, these are hard and fast rules that apply at all times.

1.) Shave/trim your neck and face. Unkempt facial hair looks smelly.

2.) Buy a decent haircut. Do some basic research online on what hairstyle suits your head shape, or just look through a hairstylist magazine for men, and find something that looks good. Whatever it is, it must be short. Unless you are a rock star, in which case you don't need this article. 

3.) Buy decent clothes. Unlike all other dating advice, women can help you pick out clothes to talk to women. Preferably it should be a woman from your generation. If you have no female friends, again, basic internet research on what looks good. 

4.) Go to the gym. The most important exercises are benches, squats, bicep curls, sit-ups, and push-ups. It goes without saying, but count your calories. Weight loss is a simple addition/subtraction problem. If you lose more calories than you gain, you will get smaller. That's simple thermodynamics. It doesn't even matter what you eat, as long as you're getting all your nutrients and plenty of water. For weight gain on the other hand, you will want to eat stuff with lots of protein to stimulate muscle growth. And remember- it is impossible to shed fat while gaining muscle. Focus on one or the other.

Hopefully all this will get you through the first stages of wooing a lady. The next step is simply to run outside into a crowded area, stroll around, and just talk to the next cute girl you see. For further research, I strongly recommend Avery G. Hayden's YouTube channel where he breaks down approach and provides excellent examples of what good and bad approach look like. Keep in mind however, that he is not a Christian. 

Now you might be thinking "what advice does he have for the girls who want to find White husbands?"

Dating advice for girls?

I have to laugh.

Women don't have to try to get guys. Evolution has drilled it into our heads- guys want girls more than girls want guys, so the only advice I have is don't have premarital sex and don't marry a non-White guy. Obey your husband, follow Christ, and don't be an e-girl. The only real problem I can imagine you facing is actually finding someone red pilled. If you really care about being a housewife and a pro-White, you might have to give a chance to guys that you're less interested in. While attractive people tend to be more conservative, that isn't always true of the pro-White crowd. I knew one other truly red pilled guy in high school, and he's not what I would call "a chad." 

Anyhow, good luck to all of you and God bless! 

Now What?

 What now?

What can I do to help support white interests? I don't want to become a minority in my own country.

Well first off, the most important thing is to go to church and ask for God's help. Pray to Him for guidance every day. Read the Bible, and go to confession. The Orthodox Church is the one path to salvation, but any belief in Jesus is enough to avoid damnation. 

Without God, there would be no pro-White movement. It is by His divine will that we stand up for our rights and our legacy. 

The next most important piece of advice is don't talk about fight club. The Jewish supremacists did not subvert our institutions and our government by talking about how much they loved Jews, and how great Jews are. Instead, they honed their talents and marketing skills, and began very discreetly discriminating against anyone not on board with their agenda. They've created genuinely good pieces of artwork, and have produced geniuses such as Stan Lee, the creator of Spider Man and other Marvel characters.

To combat them, you must not blab to everyone in your personal and professional life about your pro-White activism. Be very careful what you post on social media. Instead, develop skills and make yourself valuable.  Try to get into positions of power in business and government. Make yourself fit, and be ready for anything. Buy guns and train with them. 

Once you're in a position of power, then you can start subverting them back. Discriminate against anti-Christians and anti-Whites. Discriminate against women too. Don't let anyone catch on to what you're doing.

After that, the third thing you can do is get married to a White woman and start having children. If possible marry a virgin, but as long as you don't have sex with her before marriage, simply having as many children as you are financially able to is more important. It goes without saying that your pro-White activism isn't a good topic to talk about on a date. 

Always remember that being a pro-White activist is about community. Every small thing you do counts. Support your neighbors, vote in local elections, volunteer to help pick up litter, donate books to your library, and participate in other community events. Help out at church! Volunteer to read at Mass, or become an usher. If your town does cultural festivals, represent your ancestral European identity. 

Now there is a possibility that you are non-White, and still want to aid us in our pro-White mission. If that's the case, most of the same rules apply. Keep your politics on the down low, and get to positions of power. Unless your name is very clearly non-White, (ex. Jamal, Takashi, or Juan) if it shows up under a list of "white nationalists" that will still be detrimental to your career. If you're a strong Christian, you still run the risk of being labeled a homophobe, a sexist, or a transphobe. Lastly, do not reproduce with White women, unless you are already married to one. 

For any children listening to or reading this, my advice to you is read a lot of books, spend time playing outside, and love and help out your parents. Don't spend hours at a time watching movies or playing video games. As you get older, it's far harder to change your habits, or even make changes in general. I absolutely hated cleaning my room and taking out the garbage, until I went out to live on my own and realized that I was so used to living in a clean garbage-free room that I felt strongly compelled to do my chores and take care of myself. My parents ingrained in me good habits, and taught me to have self-respect. 

Your parents may not approve of your pro-White viewpoints. Just remember they want what's best for you, (unless they try to punish you for having them, in which case they probably don't.) Don't try to argue with them, just stick to your guns:

"Mom/Dad, I'm a White person, and I want to live in a world where people don't hate me for my skin color." 

Just repeat that sentence, and if you can, show them examples of anti-White hatred. In fact, that's a good strategy for redpilling your siblings and other relatives too.

The world is a scary place, but remember that you're not alone. We are living in the best possible timeline. Trust in God, and trust yourself. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Are you ashamed to be White?

Are you ashamed to be reading this blog?

Are you afraid of being called racist, or intolerant?

Well, don't be. There's nothing wrong with being White, or reading a blog post in the privacy of your own home. Don't be afraid of anything- if you're White, they'll call you a racist either way so the best we can do is put a bold face on it.

My (pen)name is Jason. I'm what you call a pro-White activist. Being pro-White is exactly what it sounds like: we advocate for the interests and wellbeing of White people, no matter where they are. I'm an American, and therefore am primarily concerned with other Americans, but we have similar movements all over the globe. Why would this be necessary? If you found this blog, you probably already have some idea why.

To start off, White people are less than 12% of the global population, making us a tiny minority. However, we are still the dominant race in the strongest military and economic powerhouses in the world, including America, Canada, Britain, and Europe. But this is going to change very shortly. By 2055, America will be a White minority country, and the rest of Europe is following us there. This change is not natural, but is rather the result of a concerted effort by a very small group of people holding a disproportionate amount of power.

Pro-White activists believe in freedom and equal rights for minority populations, but these views are hardly reciprocated. In South Africa and parts of Sub-Saharan Africa with historic White minority populations, violence against Whites is commonplace and brutal. Their struggles go completely ignored by the world at large. A lesser example would be the way foreigners are treated in Japan.

The natural conclusion of course, is that this tiny group of people wants Whites to be genocided and subjugated by other races. This is why our media, our government, and all our institutions- public and private -are quick to promote non-white interests and speak out against perceived White supremacy, while never doing the same for White interests. I can't remember the last time I saw a commercial with an all-White family. It's all a propaganda campaign to get you to associate White people with fear and violence, while non-whites are praised and held as icons of virtue. Once you start noticing the patterns of who exactly owns our media companies and our global corporations, you are labeled an anti-semite and a Nazi. 

What pro-Whites advocate for is not a reenactment of the Holocaust, but rather we ask that Jews recognize and denounce the Jewish racial supremacy prevalent in our society. If they wish to live in a Jewish society, that is why we created the state of Israel. Instead, through Jewish supremacist scheming, we have millions of immigrants flooding our borders and our shores, millions of White babies killed by abortion, and untold billions never even born thanks to pornography, birth control, and other sexual deviancy. All of these things have, in some form or another, been heavily promoted by Jewish interest groups.

If Jews want to form their own pro-Jewish organization that doesn't carry hatred for White people, then all power to them. It's their right to advocate for their own race. It's not anti-semitic to say that Jews are behind most of the problems White people have, much like it's not anti-White to say that Whites enslaved Africans and took them to America. 

It IS anti-White to say we should pay reparations for slavery, much like Hitler was anti-semitic in demanding free labor from the Jewish population of Europe. We would never advocate for innocent people being punished for something they did not do. 

In summary, Whites are facing extinction because of a small set of global elitists, and it is necessary for Whites to organize, stand up, and have children with members of their own race. 

Here's what you need to take from this. You can be proud to be White. You don't have to listen to people who tell you to "abolish" Whiteness, or that you have to be an "ally." They don't want you to be their ally, they want you to be their slave. Their instructions are contradictory, esoteric, and nonsensical, but if you squint past all their posturing, it's easy to tell that they don't see you as anything more than a living ATM, one that they can beat and destroy as they see fit. They tell you that race doesn't truly matter, but this is a bald-faced lie. No one wants to see their race go extinct.

Different races have different genes, and that translates to different cultures and different ways of living. None of them are necessarily better or worse than each other, but they all have a right to exist. If we want to preserve traditional American society, we must preserve the existence of White people, which means passing on our genes. 

All pro-White activists share the same basic platform:

1.) End affirmative action. If the Jewish supremacists truly believed the races are equal, such a thing would never have been created. Affirmative action is an admission of guilt. It states that Whites and non-whites are not truly equal, so non-whites need a leg up on us.

2.) End immigration. Self-explanatory. If Whites are to remain a majority in America and Europe, then we can't have millions of non-whites coming in to replace us. 

3.) End anti-White propaganda. This includes pornography, media companies that are obsessed with diversity, and global institutions that promote anti-White causes. 

To put it in even simpler terms:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. 

This blog is dedicated to promoting White interests, redpilling young people on race, religion, and other subjects, as well as random thoughts about books and movies. Here you will find no hate speech, nor vulgarity. This is simply a space for people who aren't ashamed of being White, and want good things for their own race. 

The rules are as follows:

1.) No vulgar language. This includes any cursing beyond "damn" and "hell." No using the Lord's name in vain. This blog is meant to be read and shared by everyone, including children. 

2.) No racial hatred, especially not towards Whites. Racial supremacy is okay, as long as you affirm the right of every race to exist in its homeland, unmolested. 

3.) Respect Jesus Christ, and respect the Christian faith. Do not promote sin, atheism, or other religions as superior to Christianity. You may respectfully debate the merits of one denomination over another, without calling each other pagans or heretics.

4.) There are no girls on the Internet. If you are a woman, don't mention it unless it is directly relevant to the conversation (ex. you're talking about your husband, or children.)

5.) No requests for personal info.

6.) No fedposting.

7.) No spamming. 

8.) Support and be courteous to your fellow pro-whites. We're all here to have fun after all!