What now?
What can I do to help support white interests? I don't want to become a minority in my own country.
Well first off, the most important thing is to go to church and ask for God's help. Pray to Him for guidance every day. Read the Bible, and go to confession. The Orthodox Church is the one path to salvation, but any belief in Jesus is enough to avoid damnation.
Without God, there would be no pro-White movement. It is by His divine will that we stand up for our rights and our legacy.
The next most important piece of advice is don't talk about fight club. The Jewish supremacists did not subvert our institutions and our government by talking about how much they loved Jews, and how great Jews are. Instead, they honed their talents and marketing skills, and began very discreetly discriminating against anyone not on board with their agenda. They've created genuinely good pieces of artwork, and have produced geniuses such as Stan Lee, the creator of Spider Man and other Marvel characters.
To combat them, you must not blab to everyone in your personal and professional life about your pro-White activism. Be very careful what you post on social media. Instead, develop skills and make yourself valuable. Try to get into positions of power in business and government. Make yourself fit, and be ready for anything. Buy guns and train with them.
Once you're in a position of power, then you can start subverting them back. Discriminate against anti-Christians and anti-Whites. Discriminate against women too. Don't let anyone catch on to what you're doing.
After that, the third thing you can do is get married to a White woman and start having children. If possible marry a virgin, but as long as you don't have sex with her before marriage, simply having as many children as you are financially able to is more important. It goes without saying that your pro-White activism isn't a good topic to talk about on a date.
Always remember that being a pro-White activist is about community. Every small thing you do counts. Support your neighbors, vote in local elections, volunteer to help pick up litter, donate books to your library, and participate in other community events. Help out at church! Volunteer to read at Mass, or become an usher. If your town does cultural festivals, represent your ancestral European identity.
Now there is a possibility that you are non-White, and still want to aid us in our pro-White mission. If that's the case, most of the same rules apply. Keep your politics on the down low, and get to positions of power. Unless your name is very clearly non-White, (ex. Jamal, Takashi, or Juan) if it shows up under a list of "white nationalists" that will still be detrimental to your career. If you're a strong Christian, you still run the risk of being labeled a homophobe, a sexist, or a transphobe. Lastly, do not reproduce with White women, unless you are already married to one.
For any children listening to or reading this, my advice to you is read a lot of books, spend time playing outside, and love and help out your parents. Don't spend hours at a time watching movies or playing video games. As you get older, it's far harder to change your habits, or even make changes in general. I absolutely hated cleaning my room and taking out the garbage, until I went out to live on my own and realized that I was so used to living in a clean garbage-free room that I felt strongly compelled to do my chores and take care of myself. My parents ingrained in me good habits, and taught me to have self-respect.
Your parents may not approve of your pro-White viewpoints. Just remember they want what's best for you, (unless they try to punish you for having them, in which case they probably don't.) Don't try to argue with them, just stick to your guns:
"Mom/Dad, I'm a White person, and I want to live in a world where people don't hate me for my skin color."
Just repeat that sentence, and if you can, show them examples of anti-White hatred. In fact, that's a good strategy for redpilling your siblings and other relatives too.
The world is a scary place, but remember that you're not alone. We are living in the best possible timeline. Trust in God, and trust yourself.
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