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Are you ashamed to be White? Are you ashamed to be reading this blog? Are you afraid of being called racist, or intolerant? Well, don't ...

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Are you ashamed to be White?

Are you ashamed to be reading this blog?

Are you afraid of being called racist, or intolerant?

Well, don't be. There's nothing wrong with being White, or reading a blog post in the privacy of your own home. Don't be afraid of anything- if you're White, they'll call you a racist either way so the best we can do is put a bold face on it.

My (pen)name is Jason. I'm what you call a pro-White activist. Being pro-White is exactly what it sounds like: we advocate for the interests and wellbeing of White people, no matter where they are. I'm an American, and therefore am primarily concerned with other Americans, but we have similar movements all over the globe. Why would this be necessary? If you found this blog, you probably already have some idea why.

To start off, White people are less than 12% of the global population, making us a tiny minority. However, we are still the dominant race in the strongest military and economic powerhouses in the world, including America, Canada, Britain, and Europe. But this is going to change very shortly. By 2055, America will be a White minority country, and the rest of Europe is following us there. This change is not natural, but is rather the result of a concerted effort by a very small group of people holding a disproportionate amount of power.

Pro-White activists believe in freedom and equal rights for minority populations, but these views are hardly reciprocated. In South Africa and parts of Sub-Saharan Africa with historic White minority populations, violence against Whites is commonplace and brutal. Their struggles go completely ignored by the world at large. A lesser example would be the way foreigners are treated in Japan.

The natural conclusion of course, is that this tiny group of people wants Whites to be genocided and subjugated by other races. This is why our media, our government, and all our institutions- public and private -are quick to promote non-white interests and speak out against perceived White supremacy, while never doing the same for White interests. I can't remember the last time I saw a commercial with an all-White family. It's all a propaganda campaign to get you to associate White people with fear and violence, while non-whites are praised and held as icons of virtue. Once you start noticing the patterns of who exactly owns our media companies and our global corporations, you are labeled an anti-semite and a Nazi. 

What pro-Whites advocate for is not a reenactment of the Holocaust, but rather we ask that Jews recognize and denounce the Jewish racial supremacy prevalent in our society. If they wish to live in a Jewish society, that is why we created the state of Israel. Instead, through Jewish supremacist scheming, we have millions of immigrants flooding our borders and our shores, millions of White babies killed by abortion, and untold billions never even born thanks to pornography, birth control, and other sexual deviancy. All of these things have, in some form or another, been heavily promoted by Jewish interest groups.

If Jews want to form their own pro-Jewish organization that doesn't carry hatred for White people, then all power to them. It's their right to advocate for their own race. It's not anti-semitic to say that Jews are behind most of the problems White people have, much like it's not anti-White to say that Whites enslaved Africans and took them to America. 

It IS anti-White to say we should pay reparations for slavery, much like Hitler was anti-semitic in demanding free labor from the Jewish population of Europe. We would never advocate for innocent people being punished for something they did not do. 

In summary, Whites are facing extinction because of a small set of global elitists, and it is necessary for Whites to organize, stand up, and have children with members of their own race. 

Here's what you need to take from this. You can be proud to be White. You don't have to listen to people who tell you to "abolish" Whiteness, or that you have to be an "ally." They don't want you to be their ally, they want you to be their slave. Their instructions are contradictory, esoteric, and nonsensical, but if you squint past all their posturing, it's easy to tell that they don't see you as anything more than a living ATM, one that they can beat and destroy as they see fit. They tell you that race doesn't truly matter, but this is a bald-faced lie. No one wants to see their race go extinct.

Different races have different genes, and that translates to different cultures and different ways of living. None of them are necessarily better or worse than each other, but they all have a right to exist. If we want to preserve traditional American society, we must preserve the existence of White people, which means passing on our genes. 

All pro-White activists share the same basic platform:

1.) End affirmative action. If the Jewish supremacists truly believed the races are equal, such a thing would never have been created. Affirmative action is an admission of guilt. It states that Whites and non-whites are not truly equal, so non-whites need a leg up on us.

2.) End immigration. Self-explanatory. If Whites are to remain a majority in America and Europe, then we can't have millions of non-whites coming in to replace us. 

3.) End anti-White propaganda. This includes pornography, media companies that are obsessed with diversity, and global institutions that promote anti-White causes. 

To put it in even simpler terms:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. 

This blog is dedicated to promoting White interests, redpilling young people on race, religion, and other subjects, as well as random thoughts about books and movies. Here you will find no hate speech, nor vulgarity. This is simply a space for people who aren't ashamed of being White, and want good things for their own race. 

The rules are as follows:

1.) No vulgar language. This includes any cursing beyond "damn" and "hell." No using the Lord's name in vain. This blog is meant to be read and shared by everyone, including children. 

2.) No racial hatred, especially not towards Whites. Racial supremacy is okay, as long as you affirm the right of every race to exist in its homeland, unmolested. 

3.) Respect Jesus Christ, and respect the Christian faith. Do not promote sin, atheism, or other religions as superior to Christianity. You may respectfully debate the merits of one denomination over another, without calling each other pagans or heretics.

4.) There are no girls on the Internet. If you are a woman, don't mention it unless it is directly relevant to the conversation (ex. you're talking about your husband, or children.)

5.) No requests for personal info.

6.) No fedposting.

7.) No spamming. 

8.) Support and be courteous to your fellow pro-whites. We're all here to have fun after all!

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