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Friday, May 28, 2021

They See Race

A good rule of thumb when dealing with Leftists and Liberals of all breeds is that whatever they accuse you of, they are guilty of. They love calling out the GOP's corruption, when they're actually the top dogs in the Washington Underground, they love calling the January 6th protestors "insurrectionists" when they supported every BLM riot, and they love to accuse people who are "colorblind" of racism, under their new "Critical Race Theory." Not that that clears the people they accuse in every case (the GOP are corrupt), but this last example, colorblindness, is the important one. 

This article, detailing a college professor accusing White evangelicals of genocide, features this quote:

    Butler also claimed that “evangelicals are willing to die for whiteness.”

    “And it’s not just about health care or guns or anything else. They are willing to die to be white,” the professor continued.

    “When people say to you, ‘I don’t see color, I see what Jesus sees in you,’ that really actually means that they just see white,” Butler added.

If you are a newcomer to pro-White activism, this is an important lesson in understanding that non-Whites see themselves as their race first, and their individual self second. To the non-White, standing up for your racial interests is second nature, and recognizing race traitors is reflexive. If they're not recognized as black, that means nothing they do can advance the black agenda; the black American culture. Therefore, since you are always recognized as White, unless you explicitly and publicly bend the knee, everything you do advances the White agenda, and promotes White culture.

This is the reason for the Eldians wearing armbands in Attack On Titan, and why Hitler made jews and homosexuals wear distinguishing marks. Because Marleyans tirelessly work for their racial and National interests, they automatically assume Eldians are doing the same. This is why Gabi has to be forced to take it off when she and Falco escape prison in Paradis- without the armband, there is no evidence she's on the same side as the Marleyans; nothing to distinguish her from the "Island Devils."

They are right, in one respect- they're not White, and they're not a part of White culture. According to this handy infographic by the Smithsonian, White culture is among other things, timeliness, hard work, perfectionism, Protestantism, and individualism.

Good Eldian neocons and "anti-wokes" like to debunk this as a total racist backfire. Personally, I see no reason not to take them at their word. All of these things should be fiercely defended as good things, the fruits of White men's labors. If blacks don't want any part of this, let them go be useless thugs and criminals. All we want is a society that rewards truth, hard work, and good deeds, and punishes dishonesty and immorality. None of that has to do with race. But it's extremely clear that enforcing the law equally will result in different racial groups being treated differently.

The quoted professor knows this, and therefore wants special treatments. Their entire strategy seems to be "we are in every way inferior to you, and you should be ashamed of that fact." That, coupled with an extreme disregard for the lower-middle to lower classes. Make no mistake- they don't just hate you for being White, they also hate Jesus Christ, they want men to be subservient to women, and they just straight-up hate poor people. An important side note to take away from this is to remind working class citizens that communists and anarchists will never side with you against rich Marleyans. I don't hate communists as much as I used to, but they are still the stupidest people I have ever met. Unless they're straight-up lying, they genuinely believe that the vast majority of working class citizens are interested in racial justice, LGBTQ, and transgender freaks, and therefore, think it's a good idea to exclude "reactionaries" from class struggle.

You have to listen to people like this professor, and solidify your identity as a White person. With the Marleyans, if you're not with them, you're against them. If you value any of the things on the list in the above picture, I strongly recommend you get involved in pro-White activism. Where do you want to be when they come for your children? Clinging on to your status as an individual, insisting you don't see race? Or standing next to your White brothers and sisters, united in common cause for Race, Country, and Creed?

Think about which one gives you the best chance of survival.

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