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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Belief is the Action

 Protestants and Catholics have long been at each other's throats on the question of "faith versus works". Men like Pastor Steven Anderson are utterly convinced that sincere belief in Christ is enough to be saved, and in a video he did on "soul winning" he makes the case that salvation is a gift, and since gifts cannot be earned, no matter how much we sin that gift can never be taken away.  However, the Bible clearly states that the wicked will not enter the Kingdom of God. This seems like a contradiction.

The long and short of it is that, in many ways, belief and action are the same. However you live your life, that will come to heavily influence what you believe to be true. This is why people like Robin DiAngelo will never be brought over to our side. Her entire career is based upon White guilt and serving black people, and unless you somehow changed that, she will continue to believe that Whites are undeserving of their own racial identity. 

If you live your life lying, stealing, or doing sexual immorality, eventually you'll come to justify those things, to convince yourself that it's not that bad, or that God doesn't care, or even that He wants you to do those things. Your sins can and will rob you of your faith in what the Bible actually teaches. That is why faith without works is dead. It's not a metaphor, it's actually literal. 

A good example would be pastors and priests that preach about how we have to accept faggots and trannies in church, and that we can't throw the first stone. They never mention how, in that story, Jesus specifically tells her "do not sin again."

We can also apply this concept to politics. Because of their actions, a lot of conservatives, even Nationalists, don't really believe they're right. Their actions are to follow the rules and play nice, which causes them to lose. But instead of using some brainpower to change tactics and win for once, they fall into the trap of thinking "it's the leftists who are wrong. We have to make them play by our rules!" 

It's hard to hear this, because we want to live in a world similar to the 1950s, where people respected each other and you could trust the people in your neighborhood. But the truth is, you have to be mean to your enemies. If you can get away with it, never miss an opportunity to call out "faggot!" when you see one. Don't hesitate to fire your employees for voting Biden. Don't do business with liberals. If you own a restaurant, throw them out when they walk in. Put up Trump signs and America First flags everywhere. 

One of the functions of church has always been to reaffirm your faith. To remind you why we practice. To remind you that you're right. So it would not be amiss to start a similar habit with your political activities. Whether it's putting up "It's Ok To Be White" signs, or reading pro-White literature, reinforce your convictions.

And for those in political office, do not hesitate to rig the game. Getting Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court was the most based thing the GOP has done in a decade. If we can suspend civil liberties to deal with a fake pandemic, we can suspend them to deal with a homosexual, feminist, anti-White agenda being perpetrated against the American people. Until then, we are not living under any sort of legitimate government.

This is why we say, as always, act accordingly. 

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