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Are you ashamed to be White? Are you ashamed to be reading this blog? Are you afraid of being called racist, or intolerant? Well, don't ...

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Blogging's not for me.

I've decided to stop updating this blog, but I will leave the material up for anyone who happens by. I intend to focus my efforts on writing entirely, so be sure to follow me on Wattpad and DeviantArt. 

It's up in the air whether my job will fire me for refusing the Covid vaccine, but I think it's more likely that it will. I'm hoping for it. Once I'm free of the fear of doxxing, I intend to build a new internet Kayfabe, returning to YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram to try and spread my non-political work to a more mainstream audience, using my real name and face. 

I will still occasionally use the Jason Knight persona for things like White People's Quarterly, or perhaps American Renaissance, but the blog is officially retired. I like writing articles when I have inspiration, but updating this blog regularly would stretch my political creativity rather thin. I'm just a guy who likes to be edgy and right about things. I'm not Vox Day.

This blog never got much traffic, and it's too much effort to gain a larger following on such an obscure platform. Thank you for your time and understanding.

I wish you the best, 


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Grave Tongue, Chapter 12: The War Council

Tarik Jyrus calls his men to arms, while the royal rangers confront the traitor in their ranks! The newest chapter of the Grave Tongue is here!

Actually managed to get it out on time, despite taking a work trip today! Unfortunately, there seems to be some trouble with my Fiction/Poetry widget on the sidebar. I'm unable to edit and fix it, except in the layout editor, which apparently requires a coding PhD. So for now it's stuck. 

As always, like and follow on Wattpad and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Freedom's Cry

This one was fairly easy to write, I admit. I'm finally returning to getting three things out a week! As soon as I saw the image on DeviantArt, and saw the responses it was getting, I knew what I had to do. I usually try to keep politics and my creative writing separate, but not today. 

Soon, the entire country will hear Freedom's Cry.

As always, like and follow on Wattpad and enjoy!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Body and Mind

Transgenders are fundamentally liars. They lie both to themselves and other people.

"Gender dysphoria" is described as feeling like you're trapped in the wrong body. Men need male bodies, and women need female bodies, so if the two don't match, HRT and surgery are necessary to correct the difference. Supposedly, this fixes everything.

Here's the problem. No one's mind is "trapped" inside a body. You are a body, and your mind is a part of it. Brains are physical objects that can be touched and felt. Therefore, your mind is inextricably linked to your bodily experiences and sensations. Removing your mind from your body and placing it in a different body, or no body at all would result in a fundamentally different person. Your brain is a sensory organ, the sum of what you touch, taste, feel, etc. Therefore, your consciousness and personality is completely inseparable from the rest of your body. 

Your mind, by its very definition cannot be the opposite sex or gender. Men's entire understanding of women comes from what their male bodies perceive, and vice versa. If it were possible to brain-swap a male and a female like in Freaky Friday, it would still leave you with a broken and damaged individual, on their way to joining the 41%. 

I devised a simple exercise for trans people to do, to demonstrate what I've just described.

Step One: List all the characteristics of the opposite gender you can think of, and write down why you think each one belongs solely to that gender.

Step Two: Mark down all the characteristics you wrote down in Step one that you feel that you have, or should have. Again, write down why you think this is so.

Step Three: For each characteristic of the opposite gender that you have, write down why you cannot have that characteristic without being transgender.

It quickly becomes apparent that trans people are merely confused, mentally ill, pedophiles, or all three. Transgenderism is a paraphilia. Male trannies fetishize female behaviors that most women find extremely unpleasant, ex. menstruating, wearing uncomfortable clothes, and being treated like garbage. This is what happens when someone with a male body tries to ape femininity. 

If someone in your life is feeling confused, put them through the exercise. If they insist on becoming trans... well, I would never encourage violence.

No sir, not me!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Next Stop: Thought Police

The day the United States institutes its own Thought Police grows closer and closer.

The National Education Association (NEA)—the nation’s largest public sector teachers’ union with a budget of over $300 million—has sued a Rhode Island mom for asking what her daughter would be taught in kindergarten. With the help of the Goldwater Institute, Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas is fighting back.

Like many parents, Nicole was concerned about whether her daughter would be exposed to politically charged curriculum in the classroom. So in April, Nicole emailed the principal of her school in the South Kingstown School District asking for the kindergarten curriculum—and whether it would include teaching children politically charged materials, including those influenced by Critical Race Theory and gender theory, holding them out to be true. She immediately faced stonewalling from the school, and even a threat of legal action for asking too many questions. Ultimately, Nicole received a bill for $74,000 to fulfill a public records request filed by the Goldwater Institute on her behalf in July.

If that were not enough, Nicole is now facing an unprecedented lawsuit by the NEA, a veritable goliath of a public sector union, representing over 2.3 million people nationwide. She is under attack with the costs and expenses associated with defending herself in a lawsuit for simply acting as a conscientious parent. This is not the first time that the NEA has shown that it’s more concerned with politics and indoctrination than actually helping kids learn and succeed. At the 2019 Representative Assembly of the NEA, the union’s delegates voted down a proposed resolution that called on the organization to “rededicate itself to the pursuit of increased student learning in every public school in America by putting a renewed emphasis on quality education” and “make student learning the priority of the Association.” Nicole, though, is determined to put her daughter’s education first and refuses to be deterred by the union’s politically motivated attack.

A lot of people like saying that the US isn't a sane, serious country anymore. I disagree. Everything in this country makes perfect rational sense when you consider that we're ruled by a cabal of anti-White jewish supremacists whose morality boils down to racist = bad, and anti-racist = good. When you consider that the goal of the media, the banks, and all our institutions is to replace White people with non-Whites, and ban Christianity, then we live in the most serious and rational country in the world!

Let this be a lesson- if you have to ask your children's educators what your children are being taught, then don't send them to public school. Homeschooling is cheap and easy, and your kids aren't going to grow up to be social pariahs. I was homeschooled the first 9 years of my life, and I turned out fine. The only real cost of homeschooling is the opportunity cost of your wife being unable to work. To alleviate this problem, have your wife start a YouTube channel, or do gigs on Fiverr. Buy a decent microphone and audition for voice work. Almost any artistic or writing ability can be monetized from the comfort of your own home. 

There is no excuse for sending your child to an indoctrination center. Risk it if you want- you'll end up getting slapped with a lawsuit like this one. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Incredibly Busy Week

I'll try to have something out for Thursday, but Tuesday's story and Wednesday's Grave Tongue chapter are a lost cause. 

I wish they'd just fire me for being unvaccinated already.