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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Body and Mind

Transgenders are fundamentally liars. They lie both to themselves and other people.

"Gender dysphoria" is described as feeling like you're trapped in the wrong body. Men need male bodies, and women need female bodies, so if the two don't match, HRT and surgery are necessary to correct the difference. Supposedly, this fixes everything.

Here's the problem. No one's mind is "trapped" inside a body. You are a body, and your mind is a part of it. Brains are physical objects that can be touched and felt. Therefore, your mind is inextricably linked to your bodily experiences and sensations. Removing your mind from your body and placing it in a different body, or no body at all would result in a fundamentally different person. Your brain is a sensory organ, the sum of what you touch, taste, feel, etc. Therefore, your consciousness and personality is completely inseparable from the rest of your body. 

Your mind, by its very definition cannot be the opposite sex or gender. Men's entire understanding of women comes from what their male bodies perceive, and vice versa. If it were possible to brain-swap a male and a female like in Freaky Friday, it would still leave you with a broken and damaged individual, on their way to joining the 41%. 

I devised a simple exercise for trans people to do, to demonstrate what I've just described.

Step One: List all the characteristics of the opposite gender you can think of, and write down why you think each one belongs solely to that gender.

Step Two: Mark down all the characteristics you wrote down in Step one that you feel that you have, or should have. Again, write down why you think this is so.

Step Three: For each characteristic of the opposite gender that you have, write down why you cannot have that characteristic without being transgender.

It quickly becomes apparent that trans people are merely confused, mentally ill, pedophiles, or all three. Transgenderism is a paraphilia. Male trannies fetishize female behaviors that most women find extremely unpleasant, ex. menstruating, wearing uncomfortable clothes, and being treated like garbage. This is what happens when someone with a male body tries to ape femininity. 

If someone in your life is feeling confused, put them through the exercise. If they insist on becoming trans... well, I would never encourage violence.

No sir, not me!

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