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Are you ashamed to be White? Are you ashamed to be reading this blog? Are you afraid of being called racist, or intolerant? Well, don't ...

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Suspended Yet Again

Just got suspended from Twitter, again.

I think this is the 6th time by now. 

I'll be back on there soon enough, don't worry. 

Edit: Just made my new account and it's already restricted for 12 hours. I don't even know what's wrong with this website. 

Okay, I give up. Twitter isn't for me. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

"Nothing Surprises Me Anymore"

Is what I would've said before I started reading American Renaissance. 

But day after day, I still learn new things that genuinely make me chuckle:

The purpose of this is to show you that you have to remember everything they taught you is a lie. American Renaissance has some of the best redpills I've ever seen. Jared Taylor is the world's best boomer- he'll show all the other boomers the light and bring them to our side. I strongly suggest reading the "Our Issues" section, especially their posts about History and First-Hand Accounts.

Michael Crichton actually named this: the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. In his words:

Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray [Gell-Mann]’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Grave Tongue Chapter 7

Sorry about not having any story on Tuesday, and for uploading this a day late. My motivation has been lacking this week, a combination of my busy work schedule, my own laziness, and getting distracted by my other hobbies, mainly jiu-jitsu. 

I'm going to put out 0.001% Part Two tomorrow, and hopefully never fall behind again. 

In the meantime, Leah Jyrus' quest is finally beginning in the newest chapter!

As always, like and follow me on Wattpad, and enjoy!

Edit: I've changed my mind. Working on so many stories at once distracts me from writing the Grave Tongue. I'm going to put out two chapters of it a week, in lieu of a chapter and two stories/poems. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


At least pick a different venue this time! 

Antivirus software tycoon John McAfee apparently hanged himself in a Spanish jail cell on Wednesday — just hours after a court ruled he would be extradited to face federal charges in the US.

Authorities said a preliminary investigation determined there were no signs of foul play, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported.

The 75-year-old eccentric tech entrepreneur was arrested in October and was awaiting extradition in the Barcelona jail when he was found dead by hanging, police sources told El Pais.

Let's hope other people with important info learn from his mistake- broadcast the information as soon as you can, on as many platforms as possible. Publish everything online, in written and video format. Don't wait until you get arrested, because as Epstein and McAfee have taught us, that's far far too late. 

Controlled Opposition

Chris Rufo, Karlyn Borysenko, and all their supporters are a poor man's Ben Shapiro. Everything they claim to hate about Critical Race Theory they helped bring about. They must be exposed, shamed, and thrown out of any proper right-wing movement. 

The defining characteristic of the Marleyans, Honorary or otherwise, is their hatred of Christianity, and their hatred of White people. To oppose them, you must be staunch defender of both of these things (whether or not you actually believe Christianity is true.) This means, promoting both of these things as a moral good, a net positive on society. You must emphasize the contributions Whites have made to America, i.e building it from scratch. Most importantly, you must reject the idea that morality is determined by the approval of minorities in any form. 

Matt Walsh still doesn't get it:

At the very least, this is extremely weak rhetoric. You could instead return with facts about how most native tribes practiced traditional gender roles with men taking on hunting and fighting, while women maintained the home and agriculture. However, what Matt's missing is that the Navajo, the biggest tribe in the United States, actually does have a "third gender" called "nadleehi," which means "feminine man," and takes on the roles of both males and females.

How about instead, you actually defend the "colonial" definition of sex? How about you argue for the superiority of European traditions and society? Especially when we absolutely annihilated every North American tribe that stood in our way?

Matt is probably the most based member of Daily Wire, being the only one willing to criticize Israel and his coworkers' fanatical devotion to it, but he's still got a long way to go. 

Chris Rufo on the other hand, is never going to come over to our side, because his goals are completely aligned with the Marleyans. In an interview with Marc Lamont Hill, he was unable to name a single thing he liked about being White, talking instead about how he was an "individual" and that ascribing values like punctuality to White people is stereotyping. He goes on an on about how CRT hurts people of all races, as if he can't bring himself to attack something that's purely anti-White. And because he can offer no positive defense of White culture, he's doomed to failure. 

Karlyn Borysenko is even worse, actively complaining about White Identitarians, and saying that the real threat of anti-White racism is that Whites might actually organize and do something about it. Fortunately, she's fat, ugly, and female, so it'll be easier to discredit her with a little trolling and hard statistics. 

However, she and Chris Rufo are organizing, and have the benefit of wealthy donors who are interested in making money off the fears of White people. Leftists have a point in that conservatives are rarely able to define what Critical Race Theory is, exactly. This is because so few people actually name it as anti-White racism. A normal White person just trying to make sense of Democrats suddenly abandoning their "civil rights muh equality" narrative will be drawn to people like Chris Rufo because he advocates for individualism and "colorblindness" and will be completely confused when they lose, because the other side actually has a vision in mind- a vision of actually having their racial interests and voices recognized, to the tune of reparations and other benefits. 

To win, Whites must be educated to stand up for their own racial interests, for the simple moral reason that it is their right to do so. Anyone who refuses to do so is in the Marleyans' pocket. Anti-racism is their game- heads they win, tails we lose. The real name of the game is Culture War.

Fight or die. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Happy Father's Day!

There is no man more important in a boy's life than his father. A father teaches his son wisdom, strength, courage, and patience. It is the father's role to provide for the family, protect them, and love them. 

Is it any wonder then, that fatherless homes are so hopelessly broken?

Many thanks and much love to all the fathers out there, especially you, dad. 

And for the Zoomers, let this be a day to remember our own ambition to become fathers, to carry on the family legacies we were given. 

God Bless you all!

Friday, June 18, 2021

0.001% Part One

 Thursday's short story became a long-runner, and my efforts to finish it Friday made it even longer. For this reason, I'm actually splitting it into two parts- the next one will appear this Tuesday, and will conclude the story.

Welcome to a world afflicted by a violent disease, where the authorities are doing everything in their power to eradicate it. Larry was a perfectly normal man until he caught it. Try and catch him, suckers.

As always, like and follow, and enjoy!

(No image for this one; this was a perfectly original idea this time.)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Grave Tongue- Chapter 6

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's chapter of the Grave Tongue is undeniably the best yet! Tensions boil, and conflict rises to the surface between Church and Temple!

As always, like and follow me on Wattpad, and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

One Moment of Peace

Your newest poem is arrived! This one was another experiment- a meandering stream of consciousness about a calm night in Paris. 

As always, like and follow me on Wattpad, and enjoy!

Frailty, Thy Name is Woman

I'm back to being a misogynist.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) held an impromptu press conference on Monday, shortly after a visit to the Holocaust Museum, to apologize for repeatedly comparing coronavirus precautions to the oppression of Jews by Nazi Germany last month, declaring that she is “removing” those comparisons to her condemnations of mask mandates.

Greene kicked off the press conference by saying she is “very much a normal person” and “made a mistake,” adding that there is “nothing comparable” to the Holocaust.

Just kidding guys. I'm not a misogynist, because I never expect more than this from women. Hatred for women stems from disappointment, which can never happen if your expectations for them are set low enough.

Her disavowal of the America First Caucus might have been a misunderstanding, but this is laughable. MTG of all people should know that caving to the mob never works. Her Twitter feed is full of nothing but haters. 

But what I find especially offensive is that she says there is "nothing comparable" to the Holocaust.


How about the Holodomor, which killed almost 4 million people?

What about the Armenian Genocide?

What about Pol Pot's regime?

What about Unit 731?

Belgians in the Congo!

Even if you accept the mainstream historical narrative of the Holocaust (which I don't), it was one genocide out of many genocides the human race has committed. The only thing that makes it any different is that its target was the jews. To say that there's "nothing comparable" to it is unabashed jewish supremacy. At least the jews knew they were being genocided, and they knew why. Whites are being genocided without even realizing it, by mad doctors with smiles on their faces. 

Women aren't any more emotional than men are. Men just do a better job of dealing with it. That's why we need MEN in congress. That's why MEN should vote and run for office, and women should not. There are actual strong women out there, such as Michelle Malkin. But until they've proven themselves, don't expect anything more than a coward who wants to be loved more than she wants to be right. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Your Life Is In (((Their))) Hands

I hope you have a strong immune system. 

As another example of the generation gap, an ER doctor on the West Coast said he sees providers, particularly younger ones, applying antiracist principles in choosing how they allocate their time and which patients they choose to work with. “I've heard examples of Covid-19 cases in the emergency department where providers go, ‘I’m not going to go treat that white guy, I'm going to treat the person of color instead because whatever happened to the white guy, he probably deserves it.’"

If this won't convince you of the need for pro-White activism, I don't see what will. They are literally letting people die because of their skin color, and their actions are completely sanctioned by the institutions they serve. 

The next step is actual pogroms against Whites, that will make the LA riots look peaceful by comparison. We are this close to an actual race war. 

In the meantime, I've heard that Vitamin C can work wonders. Do research on alternative medicine. Washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, and keeping your clothes clean usually works better than any kind of drug or vaccine. These are the things that actually destroyed measles and typhoid- I've already posted the statistics about how useless vaccines are. 

How I Got Here

I've been thinking of rewriting the Introduction to be more in-depth, as well as more palatable to a normie audience. The idea of this blog is to radicalize you after all, to show you that you need to take action and prepare for the future of America, instead of sitting back and letting it happen. 

To go with the Intro, I'm going to add in a little biography story about me, explaining who I am and how I became a pro-White activist.

I was born in Texas to a pair of Catholic Neocon normies who soon moved the three of us to Illinois. Growing up, I lived a very typical White middle-class existence, with the exception that I was homeschooled, and I also had three younger siblings. My dad was an Air Force veteran, as were my uncles, my aunt, and both my grandfathers, so my family was all very supportive of the War on Terror, and George W. Bush's campaign against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. I remember going to political rallies when I was young, primarily against Obama's higher taxes, as well as gay marriage. I've talked about it before, that that was my first redpill- the hateful invectives the faggots spouted at us chilled me to the bone.

But after my dad's failed run for the Illinois House of Representatives, politics became something my mom and dad would talk about alone, and we moved back to Texas, where, due to my mother's fifth child, we entered public school for the first time.

For a long time, that gay marriage rally back in Illinois seemed like a bad dream. Here in Texas, "gay" was still an acceptable insult, for a time. It was when I entered High school, and my classmates actually started identifying as gay that I realized Christian conservatism was actually becoming a fringe ideology. Fortunately, I never gave into this propaganda; I got an iPad for the first time and downloaded the app "iFunny." Despite how cringe it may seem, iFunny really was the place for alternative right-wing discourse, outside of 4chan. It was from there I learned about social justice warriors, third-wave feminism, and Islam. 

I'm sad to say it, but the guy who really got me into politics was Ben Shapiro, with his clever zingers against liberals. (It's in the name- Boy Scouts!) He had me absolutely convinced that the way we were going to defeat SJWs and uphold real American Patriotism was Facts and Logic TM, unlike the brash and boorish rhetoric of Donald Trump. 

Like most people, I thought the idea of Building a Wall was a crazy and stupid move, but when my dad came home wearing a Trump shirt, I started to warm up to the idea. After all, we couldn't let someone like Hillary win, no matter how much female genitalia Trump grabbed. By the election, I was pretty much fully on-board with Donald Trump, and Ben Shapiro had greatly toned down his rhetoric against the President, later justifying it by saying Trump was more conservative than he expected. 

I mainly stuck with anti-SJW YouTubers and commentators, when I got on Reddit for the first time. r/The_Donald became my favorite subreddit, a nonstop celebration of every victory for the Right. It was generally a mix of neocons and actual reactionaries, but a lot of "look how much minority support Trump has" posts made the front page. Still though, there were definitely a lot of genuinely redpilled people there, which only grew as time went on.

It was during that time that I grew very rabidly anti-Islam to the point that I tried to justify Israeli war crimes against Palestinians, because I couldn't accept that an American ally, where Christians were tolerated (instead of being forced to pay jizya and wear the hijab) could do anything wrong. I still had this viewpoint for a long time, especially with how pro-Israel Trump was. I also got into PragerU and Steven Crowder.

Meanwhile, my classmates around me got increasingly more liberal. I was a theater kid, so it was inevitable. They wore shirts encouraging people to punch Nazis, and even staged a Pride Rally during the school day. I only participated in it because it was a response to one of my friends getting threatened with violence for his portrayal of the cross-dressing character Angel in RENT, our school musical. Like most people, I look back on my High school days and cringe at the opinions I once had.

What really started breaking me out of neoconservatism was r/TheRedPill and Vox Day, both of which my dad introduced me to. The former introduced me to genuine arguments against feminism- not just third wave, but first wave. I started trying to apply the concepts to my life, and started getting results. Vox Day meanwhile, is still one of the smartest men I've ever read. His "16 Points of the Alt-Right" (now changed to "The Inevitable") first exposed me to the idea that recognizing racial differences is not a package deal with racial hate, or supremacy. While I still disagreed with the idea that race mattered in any way, I began to wonder about where the line really was between "racism" and "race realism."

Vox Day and then the Z-Man, both of whom are linked on the sidebar, made me see the "Alt-Right" as an actual coherent philosophy, and not a bunch of insane radicals driving cars through pedestrians. However, I still "didn't see race" until I was in college, when I discovered Nick Fuentes.

At the time, I'd officially left neoconservatism and started describing myself as a "cultural" (read: civic) Nationalist. I even had a Twitter account promoting my ideals called the "American Nationalist Party", which I hoped I could grow into a movement of sorts. I was still firmly on the side of Israel. 

But then I found videos of the Groyper Wars, which finally redpilled me on race realism. At first I didn't agree with the views I saw expressed on race, but I loved seeing men my age dunk on Charlie Kirk for his unabashed love of homosexuality. This ultimately led me to watching Nick's show, where his arguments finally convinced me that America First was the future. From there, I've just been obsessed with research on race realism, diversity, anti-White hatred, and war. 

The BLM riots that occurred throughout 2020 utterly convinced me that pro-White activism is necessary if America is going to have a future, and I was utterly crushed that I was unable to attend any of the Stop the Steal rallies. In the wake of the January 6 protest, I started this blog to add my voice to the growing tide of pro-White activism that's coming to America. 

My goal is to educate White people on race, religion, politics, and diversity. And also to write really cool stories and have people read them. My personal ambitions haven't wavered since I was eight- I want to be a professional author and write epic novels for the masses to enjoy. 

I hope you enjoy the blog and share it with all your friends!

God Bless you!

Friday, June 11, 2021

Time Out

This story is a day late, but I have a three day weekend coming up, so I should be able to pump out a bunch of material so this shouldn't happen again. 

A strange girl awaits you in a weird city in today's story, "Time Out". 

As always, like and follow, and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Grave Tongue- Chapter 5

The new chapter of The Grave Tongue is finally here! After our little mishap with Belletristica a week ago, we are now back on schedule to get a chapter out every Wednesday!

As always, like and follow, and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Mother, I am Leaving

Sorry for the late upload, but my phone died, and with it, my wi-fi. Fortunately, I have for you a beautiful sonnet about a little boy's yearning for adventure- no matter the cost. Inspired by the wonderful drawing you see below!

As always, like and follow on Wattpad, and enjoy!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

It's Official

I am officially an anti-Vaxxer.

In the book, Vaccination Condemned, by Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D., the author describes, in detail, personal and family experiences during the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic.

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”. Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.

“Seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. Letters were sent to their families that they had been killed in action.”
-Eleanor McBean

But most damning by far are the following statistics:

It's very likely my job is going to make the Covid vaxx mandatory soon. When that happens, I'll take getting fired over risking my life and my ability to have children. I hope it doesn't happen, but if it does, I've been saving money and I'll be ready. 

Can you say the same?

Friday, June 4, 2021

An Honest Marleyan

This is one anti-White I desperately wish I could talk to. I want to see how she'd react, and how others would react to our conversation. 

This Indian psychiatrist, Aruna Khilanani, has a lady-boner for shooting White people with revolvers, because racism. While her lecture is typical anti-White drivel, (although alarmingly bold and mask-off), what interested me is her follow-up interview with Katie Herzog, where she actually says she would rather deal with conservatives than liberals:

AK: Is what you're writing going to be from a conservative perspective?

KH: Well, I’m not conservative so, no.

AK: I ask because I actually think that conservatives are psychologically healthier.

KH: Interesting.

AK: They are more in touch with their anger and negative feelings. They can articulate it. They can say it, they’re not covering it up or like “Oh my god, I’m amazing, I love all people.” There's not all this liberal fluff of goodness. Conservatives can go there. They can say things that are uncomfortable that I think liberals would shirk at or move away from or deny.

I would feel more comfortable hanging out with Ann Coulter than a lot of liberals because she’s unlikely to do anything. She’s in contact with her anger and her hatred, and I think that needs to be worked through, don't get me wrong, for the country to heal, but she's actually in contact with those feelings that a lot of people can't say out loud and that's a safer space. Now do I agree with her? No. But liberals have no access to that at all. The thought is forbidden.

I think she's absolutely right. Getting red-pilled is like the five stages of grief. For me, Denial was my poem "Proud to Be White," recited at my High school poetry slam, arguing that every race has many achievements, and that we should all be proud of who we are. Then I got hit by Anger, when my black friends responded extremely negatively, claiming you can't be racist to White people. I moved into Bargaining as I discovered Vox Day and came to adopt his contempt for neocons, but I pretty much skipped the Depression phase to move into Acceptance when I found Nick Fuentes and the Groyper Wars. 

When a liberal hears people like this psychiatrist speak, it sends their Denial into overdrive. Remember, your ideology eventually comes to dominate your way of life. Robin DiAngelo is not going to give up her career, her book, and her reputation because someone's able to red pill her on race realism. Not merely because she's averse to personal sacrifice, but because she's sank an incredible amount of physical and mental labor into her work. Cognitive dissonance shuts down any evidence contrary to her beliefs. The only way for her to change would be either forming a deep and powerful bond with a race realist (the kind that would take years to create) or for her to be sent to an anti-White hellhole, like South Africa or Zimbabwe. 

However, DiAngelo isn't subject to the same level of Denial overdrive that other liberals are, because DiAngelo is a jew. White liberals have no escape. Like DiAngelo, a great deal of their identity is dependent on the ideal that all men, women, and any myriad of other genders, are equal. And yet, Aruna is living, breathing evidence that this is not the case. 

This problem exacerbates itself the higher class you are, and the more affluent your town/city. Modernity has stamped out any propensity towards confrontation (a part of the general feminization of society) and rich high-class people like being polite and elegant. They don't know how to stand up for themselves, and they don't want to; too many Marvel movies and TV dramas have trained them to expect someone else to save them. So when they're confronted by blatant anti-White racism their natural response is to default to defensive mode. TV has trained them that the lower classes are the racists, not them. 

But as I explained a little further on down this page (unless you have to click "older posts" by now), blacks constantly see race. They want to be recognized as black, because they can spot race traitors a mile away. This is why they demand your submission- unless you make it painfully clear that you're on their side, everything you do advances the White agenda. They genuinely think that Whites see race through the same lens they do.

And to a degree, they're right. Everyone, no matter how cucked they are, has some degree of in-group preference. Which is why Aruna is relieved to find someone who's open about it. Much like how women get nervous around men who obviously like them but are too pussy to make a move, many minorities prefer an honest racist to a "closeted" one, whatever that means. This isn't surprising when you consider the Nation of Islam's history with the KKK and George Lincoln Rockwell. Mohammad Ali actually did speak at one of the former's rallies, against interracial marriage. 

So Aruna Khilanani is absolutely right when she says we're the ones who are more mentally healthy. To stand up for your racial pride is to be in harmony with nature, both spiritually and biologically. Liberals have to jump through hoops to justify themselves, desperately avoiding the dreaded label of "racist" while we embrace it openly. To live as we do is to live without fear or dishonesty, and that commands respect. 

Thus the reason why I want to actually speak to her. I want to see if she'd actually debate me on race realism, to see if she'd try to reason with me. I wonder how she'd react to this blog, and my other work. She and others like her only convince liberals to "abolish Whiteness" by vaguely associating it with "racism." I want to see if she'd give me, someone who openly and proudly embraces "Whiteness", some actual arguments on why it's bad. Maybe we'd get along like Louis Farrakhan and George L. Rockwell.

Somehow I doubt it. More likely she belongs in prison for trying to incite violence against a protected group. 

The interview is very long and interesting. Expect more articles about it in the future. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021


One of the main reasons I've never identified as a national socialist is because I'm a Christian. I'm not saying that Nazism is a fundamentally anti-Christian ideology, or that the Bible forbids you from being a Nazi, but rather because Nazism is a utopian ideology. 

Fascism has the same problem. While there have been many fascists and fascist regimes throughout history which I revere, including Francoist Spain, and Metaxas' Greece, the truth is, neither of these men made a lasting impact on the future of their countries. Spain was democratized almost immediately after Franco's death, and Greece was taken over by the Colonels' Regime. 

A utopian ideology claims that it can solve society, or even the world's problems through sheer effort. For communism, this means making everyone equal so that no one goes hungry and no one exploits another man. For Nazism, this means creating a White ethnostate where the jews have no power over us, and also no one goes hungry (solving hunger seems to be a common theme.)

But the truth is, in the end, there is no system that isn't susceptible to corruption and human error. I'm sure we've all thought about what the world would be like if everyone had the same beliefs as you. It would certainly end most conflict, and for a time, might even result in paradise. For me, it would mean everyone in the world would be Catholic, straight, and more interested in having traditional families than stable careers.

But the fact is, such a society would eventually fail because I know for a fact that there are many people who are smarter than me, who probably know better than me. If I had a lifetime to study and reexamine my beliefs to make absolutely sure they were correct I might be confident in saying that the smart people would be better off thinking like me too. But this wouldn't stop the collapse.

If everyone on Earth were like me, they would sin far too often for my liking. It would mean billions of people would have to contend with temptations and desires they'd never even considered, many of which would lead to societal decay. My personal shortcomings would trump any gains made in the areas of ideology. The same is probably true of most people. 

Because we all face temptation; greed, lust, envy, and pride, any system we make is bound to eventually reflect these things as well. Communism's failings are obvious, as they operate on explicitly anti-Christian guidelines, but I don't think Nazism would've lasted into the modern day (at least not in the same form) if Hitler won. Nazism demands a Command-and-Control economy, full control over public education, and expungement of all political dissidents. All it takes is a few bad people in the wrong places, and they'll give the reins over to an even worse enemy than the jews. I think it's very likely that the jewish supremacists would've found a way to infiltrate Nazism itself to bring Germany back under their boot heel, exploiting everyone they could find who wasn't absolutely committed to his ideals.

I used to think long and hard on how to have the perfect checks and balances system so that we could have a form of American fascism that would still guarantee the rights and dignities of the people. An elected autocrat who has the power to write legislation perhaps, and serves for ten years, who decides all Supreme Court cases. However, we would maintain the Constitution as a set of rules he cannot violate, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. To counter-balance his power, instead of the judiciary, we would have the Church, which of course would answer to God. 

But the more I thought about it, the more I found ways for it to go wrong. The Church has never been immune to corruption. While the Church as the Bride of Christ is always sanctified and blessed, its individual members can be just as evil as satanists. The autocrat may be based, but he could be weak when dealing with foreign leaders, or he could be assassinated or bribed. The legislation, having their powers reduced, would seek to increase their influence other ways, and of course the giant corporations would pay them to swing to the left. 

Like Winston Churchill once said, "Democracy is terrible, but all the other ways are worse." While I don't hold democracy as the end-all be-all of good proper governments, I think for the time-being, it's likely our best bet. The most moral action for us is to seize power however we can inside and outside the system and try to get laws passed so that we can swing the pendulum back towards our side. Because if we can get good and honorable people into power, we can have a system that works at least for a while.

Because of our fallen nature, human beings will sin, and every nation will end. Instead of focusing on building utopia, we should instead focus on improving ourselves, and helping our fellow man in any way possible. If you truly think Nazism is the way forwards, maybe someday it will be. But never let that distract you from the here and now of our situation. 

For us, our only utopia is in heaven with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

The Little Viking

I found a beautiful photo of the most beautiful thing on planet Earth- a mother and her newborn son. I simply had to write a poem about it, and post it to my brand new Wattpad account, which you can now like and follow on the side bar!

As always, like and follow, and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

My Big Mouth And Me

I just managed to get myself banned on Belletristica, so none of the links on the sidebar (except for Arkborn) are working for the time being.

I'm making an appeal to get my account unbanned, and hopefully they'll give me the stories back even if I'm banned permanently.

Will keep you updated.

Update: Success! While they won't unban my account, they are sending me pdfs of every story, for me to republish elsewhere. These will be up shortly!

A Land With No Name

Despite having wi-fi troubles, I was able to crank out a decent sci-fi story today for you guys!

A large family heads for the stars in their cruiser, none of them knowing what they'll find. 

As always, like and follow me on Belletristica, and enjoy!

Happy Pride Month!

Remember, the following are strong risk factors for your child being exposed to or molested by LGBTQ ideology:

1.) Sending them to public school
2.) Church members who espouse social justice issues such as "anti-racism"
3.) Allowing them to access the internet unsupervised
4.) Living in southern California
5.) Allowing them to watch TV unsupervised
6.) Sending them to college unprepared

Remember, the vast majority of homosexuals were molested as children, which is why they comprise over a third of all child molesters. You must raise them with a love of Christ, and teach them the truth- that sexual orientation is flexible, and can be reoriented back to the natural love between man and woman. I myself was once bisexual, but through prayer, and decreasing my use of pornography, I soon realized that other men were gross. 

If you can get away with it, never hesitate to bully a queer. Just call them a faggot, and disappear before they can catch you on camera. If you see a man in a dress, laugh at him, and just walk off. Don't go viral, unless your bosses don't care what you do outside the workplace. 

Now if you're completely alone, and the faggot looks like a little weakling... well, I would never encourage violence. Of course not. Encouraging violence would be bad. That's why I would never do it. So whatever you do, don't get violent!

See a pride flag or a sticker? Tear it down. Replace it with an "It's Ok to Be White" poster. Anything you can do to resist, do it. 

If we all work together, I'm sure we can make this a very happy Pride Month!