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Thursday, June 3, 2021


One of the main reasons I've never identified as a national socialist is because I'm a Christian. I'm not saying that Nazism is a fundamentally anti-Christian ideology, or that the Bible forbids you from being a Nazi, but rather because Nazism is a utopian ideology. 

Fascism has the same problem. While there have been many fascists and fascist regimes throughout history which I revere, including Francoist Spain, and Metaxas' Greece, the truth is, neither of these men made a lasting impact on the future of their countries. Spain was democratized almost immediately after Franco's death, and Greece was taken over by the Colonels' Regime. 

A utopian ideology claims that it can solve society, or even the world's problems through sheer effort. For communism, this means making everyone equal so that no one goes hungry and no one exploits another man. For Nazism, this means creating a White ethnostate where the jews have no power over us, and also no one goes hungry (solving hunger seems to be a common theme.)

But the truth is, in the end, there is no system that isn't susceptible to corruption and human error. I'm sure we've all thought about what the world would be like if everyone had the same beliefs as you. It would certainly end most conflict, and for a time, might even result in paradise. For me, it would mean everyone in the world would be Catholic, straight, and more interested in having traditional families than stable careers.

But the fact is, such a society would eventually fail because I know for a fact that there are many people who are smarter than me, who probably know better than me. If I had a lifetime to study and reexamine my beliefs to make absolutely sure they were correct I might be confident in saying that the smart people would be better off thinking like me too. But this wouldn't stop the collapse.

If everyone on Earth were like me, they would sin far too often for my liking. It would mean billions of people would have to contend with temptations and desires they'd never even considered, many of which would lead to societal decay. My personal shortcomings would trump any gains made in the areas of ideology. The same is probably true of most people. 

Because we all face temptation; greed, lust, envy, and pride, any system we make is bound to eventually reflect these things as well. Communism's failings are obvious, as they operate on explicitly anti-Christian guidelines, but I don't think Nazism would've lasted into the modern day (at least not in the same form) if Hitler won. Nazism demands a Command-and-Control economy, full control over public education, and expungement of all political dissidents. All it takes is a few bad people in the wrong places, and they'll give the reins over to an even worse enemy than the jews. I think it's very likely that the jewish supremacists would've found a way to infiltrate Nazism itself to bring Germany back under their boot heel, exploiting everyone they could find who wasn't absolutely committed to his ideals.

I used to think long and hard on how to have the perfect checks and balances system so that we could have a form of American fascism that would still guarantee the rights and dignities of the people. An elected autocrat who has the power to write legislation perhaps, and serves for ten years, who decides all Supreme Court cases. However, we would maintain the Constitution as a set of rules he cannot violate, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. To counter-balance his power, instead of the judiciary, we would have the Church, which of course would answer to God. 

But the more I thought about it, the more I found ways for it to go wrong. The Church has never been immune to corruption. While the Church as the Bride of Christ is always sanctified and blessed, its individual members can be just as evil as satanists. The autocrat may be based, but he could be weak when dealing with foreign leaders, or he could be assassinated or bribed. The legislation, having their powers reduced, would seek to increase their influence other ways, and of course the giant corporations would pay them to swing to the left. 

Like Winston Churchill once said, "Democracy is terrible, but all the other ways are worse." While I don't hold democracy as the end-all be-all of good proper governments, I think for the time-being, it's likely our best bet. The most moral action for us is to seize power however we can inside and outside the system and try to get laws passed so that we can swing the pendulum back towards our side. Because if we can get good and honorable people into power, we can have a system that works at least for a while.

Because of our fallen nature, human beings will sin, and every nation will end. Instead of focusing on building utopia, we should instead focus on improving ourselves, and helping our fellow man in any way possible. If you truly think Nazism is the way forwards, maybe someday it will be. But never let that distract you from the here and now of our situation. 

For us, our only utopia is in heaven with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

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